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Showing posts with the label John 10

listen and follow

  Listen and follow.  That is our call.  God shares and speaks. John 10:2-4  NLT   The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep recognize his voice and come to him. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 After he has gathered his own flock, he walks ahead of them, and they follow him because they know his voice. We continued our series at The Community Fellowship yesterday “Get to Know the Shepherd”, and once again we learn that our good Shepherd, Jesus, is always leading. It is the people who know His voice that follow and find what we need and who we are in our choosing to follow.  Yet the two things we have to do, how we respond is to listen and do something.  When we don’t respond or don’t even don’t listen, that is when we will always miss the best that God has for us. The sheep recognize His voice and know Him.  They won’t follow the fake shepherds or the robbers.  This good shepherd goes ahead of them and lea...

listen to the voice of God

One of my favorite movies and one with some great truth in it is Kevin Costner’s For the Love of the Game .   As Costner’s character is about to pitch he begins to clear his thinking and focus he says “clear the mechanism”, and everything gets quiet as he focuses. Hearing the voice of God is much the same.   There are times when we need to turn everything else off so that we can hear.   We may need to open the Bible and read.   We may need to turn on praise music and worship.   We may need to turn everything off and be quiet.   It may mean we have to change our location so that we really can focus on and hear God. God is always speaking, but we may not always be listening.   God speaks through many different methods.   We need to hear Him, and I long to hear His voice and to follow what He says. John 10:2-5   NASB But he who enters by the door is a shepherd of the sheep. 3  To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hea...