As I was running yesterday I saw a lady outside of a local business wearing a shirt that caught my attention. On her shirt I read these words… Every Addict Matters. I was caught by and held on to that statement. This past year I met a man who speaks around the country that shares a message he calls “You Matter”. That man is Bobby Petrocelli. That statement has stuck with me since that last fall. Another reason why that lady’s statement caught my attention is because of our commitment to serve people who are battling addiction. Our transitional homes for homeless men offer help for those in addiction. Our church has hosted recovery ministry for many years. Currently that is Celebrate Recovery that meets on Tuesday’s at 7pm. Recently one of the men we have been serving passed away due to a relapse of addiction. His death hit me hard as do the tough times that so many we are close to have hit. Addiction is a very difficult and a very re...