Sometimes you just know that God is speaking to you. It is obvious. You don’t have to question. In fact you need to stop questions and listen in a bit more. Yesterday was one of those days for me. I began a new sermon series at The Community titled “Give THANKS” and spoke from 1 Chronicles 16 of a psalm of thanks from David. Last night I attended a meeting and heard an awesome sermon by a missions leader. Guess what passage he used. It was 1 Chronicles 16. Stop right there. I had to ask (and I still and asking) God what He wants me to hear and learn. I have already come away with a few things. The message I shared was about deciding to give thanks before other things or people led us away from being thankful. The missions sermon from the same passage was about the people of God sharing with the world God’s message. Both have a good foundation in the Scripture. Both are pretty clear. I walk away with two verse...