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Showing posts with the label legacy

set for a great 2015

In 2014 we have been able to minister to over 14,000 people through sharing clothes and food, helping with homelessness, preparing kids for school and the like.   Over 50 people have accepted Jesus through the process.   I honestly believe that those numbers remind us of who is really in control.   That would be God.   No me.   Not you or any one else in our church. Those facts also set us up for a great 2015.   How is that?   We want to be able to do more and to impact more lives for the cause of Christ and the growth of God’s kingdom. My prayer for me personally in the coming year is that I would be a stronger leader in my home and in the church helping my family and our church family to seek God for greater impact in the lives of people we encounter.   That is no easy task because it is my heart’s desire to help people embrace their passion and to pursue their God given dreams with more gusto than ever before. This past Sunday i...

the question of legacy

Over the last several weeks some very famous people have died that have been talked about a lot in my circle.   Robin Williams made me laugh a lot from the time I was a kid through recent years as well.   Joan Rivers also gave people much to laugh about and to think about.   Neither of them claimed to be Christians in the media, but many Christians have shared how these people shaped their lives through TV and movies.   This week another great public figure passed away.   Truett Cathy was the founder of one of the greater chicken restaurants in of our day in Chik-fil-A.   Mr. Cathy lived by faith and shared his convictions in big ways. Proverbs 17:22   NLT A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength. Matthew 5:16   NLT In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. The question of legacy is a big one.   People will re...