Let’s pray for students, teachers schools, and school staff as our local schools start this week. Take some time to think through those that you know … children returning to school, teachers who have lots to do, families changing routines, various people who help students … pray for each! Sunday we had a special prayer time for each of those. God has blessed us and is preparing our children for an awesome and strong future. Matthew 19:13 NASB Then some children were brought to Him so that He would lay His hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them. Be a blessing. One way to do that is to pray! God has given each of us desire and ability to do just that, to be a blessing, and a great place to start and be strong is in prayer. Pray for students and this new school year. It is full of challenges, opportunities and so much more. Pray for school workers, elementary, middle and high school as well as colleges, a...