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Showing posts with the label inland

strength in the middle of pain

Emotions are high. Looking around us and throughout the world there are so many things going that impact our lives.  Seriously. They might not impact our house or the weather around our house, but they impact our emotions, sway our thinking and even make us stop and think. There are a few topics that continue to run through my thinking, and what I know and continue to share is that God will meet our needs.  He may use one of many different ways to do it. I choose to trust Him.  What I need to do is encourage those who are following God to be faithful. Be faithful in your time with God, daily.  Be faithful to the people God has put in your sphere of influence, all of them.  Be faithful with the resources you have been given, be generous and support your church. I will share more later this week or next on this topic. Turn to another side.  This past Sunday night I read of a pastor that took his...