John’s story is kind of simple but totally awesome at the same time. He was one of the people who shared at the Samaritan’s Feet weekend in an interview with Manny Ohonme. People are served all around the world by Samaritan’s Feet. We have seen that here in our community as well as on the recent mission trip I was on. The stories seem to be endless and really inspiring. Manny and a group were in Burundi which is on the African continent. They went to an orphanage to serve children there. That is the kind of place that needs hope and light. The children brought smiles to all who served, and it was an incredible experience for the residents and the visitors. One of the children served was a teenager. That boy was John. His story includes being from another country in Africa and having to move due to war. He was separated from his mother but still with his siblings. The st...