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Showing posts with the label Bob Goff

hope and joy

Figure out what fuels your joy and do lots of that.  – Bob Goff You are either a giver or a taker.  You are either pushing others forward or pulling them back.  That applies to all of us. I believe God has called us to live with joy, and He wants to fuel our joy each and everyday.  One of the things I believe a great deal is that God uses us to fuel other people, to fuel their joy. One preacher that has encouraged me said that we are “brokers of hope”.  I like that and believe it (that preacher has since passed away).  We have the opportunity each to help others have more and more hope in their lives. Each person has God given potential and our lives should be speaking in to the lives of others making each stronger and better. Again, we either give or take.  We either help or hurt others along the way. I ran across some verses that illustrated this very well. Jeremiah 31  NLT ...

live loud as Jesus' LOVE DOES

John 3:16   NASB “For God so loved the world , that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. That verse, for the Christian, has been the epitome of love since the beginning.   What that verse says about love says it all.   Love is more than that as well.   Furthermore, love is a concept or word that few people in today’s world understand fully.   We may say we got it, but we don’t.   We may even think we have it down pat, but we have missed the proverbial boat. Love has been twisted, perverted and all together thrown out so that we can get our needs met, find pleasure or achieve what is our definition of success.   Love seems to be something like the wind that is strong and then gone totally.   Love seems to be something that is extremely passionate, whether turned toward a person or thing, and the passion dies down and runs out. That is not the love that God demonstra...