James 1:5 (nlt) If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. Ask God for insight and do you know what you will get? God will give you an answer and help. That is His promise to His children, to you and me. Not only is our God real, but He is active in the lives of His children. Why is it that we miss Him at times or even fail to hear His voice? It could be because we are not looking for an answer or asking for His help. There are times that we have unplugged ourselves from God. It could happen because of pain in our lives or even from experiencing good times. I don’t believe that we step away from God. We simply make choices that takes our focus off of Him, but that isn’t that our enemies plan? He wants to distract us and remove from our lives the possibility of God taking us to the next level. Why you haven’t moved to the next level might ...