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Showing posts with the label new year

verses for 2025

  Do you choose a verse for the year or a word for the year? People do different things to prepare them for the new year and to do somethings that make them and their lives better. As I have said many times it is Scripture reading and prayer that I continue to make a priority and encourage others to do the same.  Also our church has a yearly theme that we begin at the new year. The Community Fellowship’s theme for 2025 is “ROAD 2025” and focuses on the Roman Road and encouraging each person to share their faith throughout our normal day life.  We are also spending time walking through the book of Romans on Sunday mornings for much of this year.  Romans is an awesome book. Proverbs is also a daily routine and so important.  I need the wisdom of God, and the Word of God offers wisdom from God and so much more.  Read one chapter each day as there 31 days in many months. As this week comes to an end I want to share with you some of the verses that continue to b...

time in God's word

  For several years my commitment to reading the Bible each and every day of the year.  Since we are at the start of a new year, I want to remind you of this once again!   We need the Word of God.  It is t he Bible that changes us because His letter and love is for each of us.  Dig in.  Read the Bible. I want to follow Jesus.  How about you?  How do you know who God is and how He works?  The best answer is in His word.   Job 23:11  NLT For I have stayed on God’s paths; I have followed his ways and not turned aside.   There are so many promises that are tied to the Word of God.  The more time we spend with God and in the Bible, the more of those promises we know and can claim.  Take a few minutes to look at these truths about His word. Hebrews 4:12  NLT   For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It ex...

new year's commitments

  It is almost the new year, and I want to challenge each of us to be careful with the new year’s resolutions or commitments we make. I want to be closer to God, healthier, wiser, have more resources, be a better husband, father and friend, have a stronger and bigger church, preach with more impact … you get the point.  So many commitments we can make that do lend to these being a reality.  But many of those resolutions or commitments that we make end up going no where. How we can we do this differently where the commitments stick?  Maybe we take baby steps rather than giant leaps.   Look at all who are impacted by the commitments and ask if they lead us all closer to God. As I was thinking of this e-devotion a song came to mind … Made for More by Josh Baldwin 'Cause I wasn't made to be tending a grave, I was called by name Born and raised back to life again, I was made for more So why would I make a bed in my shame When a fountain of grace is running my way? I ...

7 keys to life

  Earlier this week I shared a post that gained the attention of several people.  It first rolled around my head and heart.  I think it is important enough to repeat here… 7 Keys to Life 1.  Put God first 2.  Love One Another 3.  Never Hate 4.  Give Generously  5.  Live Simply 6.  Forgive Quickly 7.  Pray Everyday That is some powerful stuff.  In fact, as the new year begins those are many of the things that wraps us resolutions and life change that so many people are longing for.  Some of them are close to impossible if we are honest. You might not have an issue or problem with putting God first, loving others or living simple.  But a lot of people struggle with forgiving or dealing with hate.  Those are the characteristics that lead to frustration and even more problems when they are not dealt with. Look close at the list again.  Might two of those things be the opposite or the cure for hate and not forgiv...

new year. new opportunities.

  It is a new year with lots of new opportunities.  Yet we do not always see the opportunities.  We don’t always recognize the positive things happening around us.  Why is that?  It is often because we are looking at thins in the wrong way. 2024 is a gift from God. Your life and all you have is also a gift.  Even with the challenges we have been blessed.  There are more things ahead of us, but if we can see them and be ready for them is the question. This last Sunday we asked our church family to share Scriptures that give them strength and for each to share what they want to see and experience at The Community Fellowship in 2024.  The testimonies were strong and encouraging.  I left the service smiling and ready to move forward. Most people said that they want to see our church family closer to God and closer to each other.  Many also shared that they pray our new campus is completed.  Lots of great words and testimony.   Matt...

START by giving

Today I finish the e-devotion series based on the word START.  The Community Fellowship’s 2023 theme is THERE IS MORE TO COME.  The word START has 5 letters that represent these phrases … SERVE.  TITHE.  ADORE GOD. READ SCRIPTURE. TALK TO GOD.   Today I point you to TITHE.  This is not something that some want to hear about, yet this is a promise from God full of abundance for the one who has chosen to follow Jesus. Be a giver.  Tithe.  Choose to be generous.   Malachi 3:10  NLT   Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test! Literally this verse has God saying to us to TEST HIM in this.  See if He does what He says He will do.  Begin and watch.  I have found God to be true and so good wh...

START to serve

  We close another week with an e-devotion based on the word START.  It is the first week of the new year, and The Community Fellowship’s 2023 theme is THERE IS MORE TO COME.  The word START has 5 letters that represent these phrases … SERVE.  TITHE.  ADORE GOD. READ SCRIPTURE. TALK TO GOD.   Today I point you to SERVE.  Spend time making much of others.  Show people that they matter. Matthew 25:35-36,40 NASB 'For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; 36 naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’ 37  "Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? 38  'And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? 39  'When did we ...

START making 2023 great

We started a new theme at our church, There Is More to Come.  I believe we ought to plan to make this a great year.  Make some decisions based on who our God is.   I serve the God of more.  He is able.  Nothing is to hard for Him and no body and no thing is too small for Him.  I serve the God of great expectations and who will take our mustard seed faith and move huge mountains.  I serve a God who sits with sinners, comforts the lonely, heals the sick and wows us with the wonder of each new day. My prayer for the new year is that God will blow your mind and mine.  My prayers for you in the new year is that you will allow God to show up in your life and show off each and every day.  My prayer for me and my family is that we will first step back and sit with God, step up and walk with God and step out to help others be with God.  My prayer is that we will experience more.  There is more to come.  There really is more to come. Isa...

new year, getting in it

This is the first devotion of the new year, 2022 which is set to be an incredible year.  There are so many things I would like to share with you, and I even had a plan to go through a series.  But I have some things on my heart that I need to move through for the next couple days. First, I have been amazed that we have avoided the covid-19 virus, but it has hit our home with only mild symptoms as of this weekend.  I was to officiate a wedding on Saturday and lead our church in the first worship of the near year, but all of that gets pushed to the side while we are quarantined.  Kind of puts things in perspective.  I am grateful for those who stand in for us, serve us and especially those who keep us encouraged and taken care of.  We will get through this.  God is still good. Second, I learned early Saturday that our dear friend Fred Harrington had passed away during the night.  I plan to write tomorrow about Fred and his faith journey.  He ha...