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Showing posts with the label psalm

lovd for the books of the Bible

  Some scripture just stands out when you read it.  Such is Psalm 34 for me.  So many different books of the Bible are part of our lives and have special places in our lives. Proverbs is the one I am committed to each day, and I challenge you to read it daily linking the day of the month to the chapter you read.   The Gospel of John and Romans are both powerful and important books for me.  There are so many more that stand out.  Through the years of following God Scripture has been vital to life and also taught me so much. Another is Psalms.  As a young adult this book came alive to me as I spent time with God and the verses of this book worked their way in me, my heart and gave peace and understanding. That is why I point you to Psalm 34.  I have quoted some of this chapter earlier this week.  But here are part os the chapter that speak to me. Psalm 34:1-3 NLT   I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises. 2...

Psalms and a book of prayer

  A couple years ago I received a book that has really encouraged my prayer life.  We have also been using it for over a year in our Sunday church services, and I want to comment this book to you.   The book by Daniel Henderson is Praying the Psalms , and it continues to be a blessing.  A huge one as I use it often daily in my personal life.  Yesterday I read Psalm 93 which is a great Psalm and a reminder I needed. Psalm 93:2-5  NLT   Your throne, O Lord, has stood from time immemorial. You yourself are from the everlasting past. 3  The floods have risen up, O Lord.  The floods have roared like thunder; the floods have lifted their pounding waves. 4 But mightier than the violent raging of the seas, mightier than the breakers on the shore— the Lord above is mightier than these! 5  Your royal laws cannot be changed. Your reign, O Lord, is holy forever and ever.   The simple truth of that Psalm is that the world is in a storm, the...

all of Psalm 23

  What a week it has been.  Our mission team is coming to the end of their time with us.  Our trek through Psalm 23 also comes to an end, and we move toward the weekend.  God has some things in store for each of us. Psalm 23 is an incredible piece of Scripture, literature, encouragement and even a gift from God.  As I shared early this week Psalm 23 is a treat from God, as our friend David Palmer shared at church Sunday.  I need these kind of treat and long for them Have you come to love Psalm 23 as I have?  As I said yesterday there are so many passages in the Bible that come to mind when I think of my favorites.  Yet there are few that are as well known as Psalm 23.   As we close out the week I give you the entire chapter from The Message translation of the Bible.  Some times it is a powerful reminder of what we might look over too quickly because it is common or typical.  This is good stuff. Psalm 23:5  The Message  God...

He is preparing me

  Have you come to love Psalm 23 as I have?  There are so many passages in the Bible that come to mind when I think of my favorites.  Yet there are few that are on public display as much as Psalm 23.  Maybe John 3:16 and the Lord’s Prayer top it and a few others.  But this chapter is incredible.  It sticks out.  Literally. This week has brought lots of thoughts, and this chapter continues to find its way in to my mind.  We have a mission team in town working with us that is doing great things and a real blessing.  Pray for this team, the new campus and all the impact our church has.  It really is like Psalm 23 and its impact in the places it is shared. This week’s e-devotion come from Psalm 23.  We have talked through many of the themes and actually share the last bit of truth that makes us stop and look at what we are experiencing.  Check this out… Psalm 23:5  NLT   You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my en...

His presence in the darkness

  God is up to so many things around us.  Are you seeing Him work?  Keep watching and listening.  His plan really is amazing. We have a mission team in town working with us.  Please pray for this team, our new campus, back2school and all the impact this team will have. I continue sharing in this week’s e-devotion from Psalm 23.  We have talked about God being our shepherd and pursuing us with His incredible love.  Further, we talked about how God guides and leads us.  Today’s verse is one that we hear often, especially in the darkest of times.  The hard fact of death brings us a reminder that God has a plan, God is with us and our need is for Him one and over.  That is why we need the reminder that verse 4 gives us whether it is here are when the dark day comes our way. Psalm 23:4  NLT   Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.  Your rod and your staff protect and com...

He guides and leads

  This is going to be a great week as we have a mission team in town doing several mission projects as well as helping us get ready for back2school 2024.  Please pray for this team, our new campus for The Community Fellowship, back2school and all the impact our church and community will have from God. I am also sharing in this week’s e-devotion from Psalm 23.  Yesterday we looked at verses 1 and 6, the first and last of the chapter, where God gives us the reminders that He is our shepherd and is pursuing us. The first verse reminds us that He is our shepherd that guides, is gracious and loving present with His kids.  A shepherd leads His shepherd.  A shepherd makes sure that His sheep are fed and have waters.  A shepherd protects His sheep.  You can go further, but God is our shepherd.  It is personal as David wrote that the Lord is my shepherd.   Psalm 23:2-3  NLT   He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful stre...

the Lord is my shepherd

  We are headed home soon from our family vacation, and it has been a great time together and making memories.  Thank you for understanding and thanks to our church for the time away. As I have shared before we are using Psalms each Sunday at The Community Fellowship during our prayer time un something we are calling “creating a culture of prayer” which is help from Pastor Daniel Henderson’s Praying the Psalms .  This last Sunday David Palmer who leads our recovery ministry shared from Psalm 23. One of the best lines I have heard in a long time of this Psalm is this, and I am quoting David… “Psalm 23 is like a treat”.  What a great way to think of this chapter of the Bible.  We read it at funerals and other important times.  What a great thought! From the Lord being our shepherd to His mercy following us all of life we find truth about who God is, how He leads us and the interaction of our faith with every day life.  Over the next several days we will ...

power in Psalm 1

This is the last e-devotion for this week.  It is always an honor to be able to share with you thoughts from God’s word.  This week and next I will share some pieces of Scripture that mean the most to me.  Let’s enjoy some time with Jesus! Nothing super deep.  Nothing too big.  But profound and strong. This week we are walking through Psalm 1.  Some of the first verses I remember when I came to know Jesus and learned to walk with Him.  God has spoken to me from this chapter for year.   Living by faith is not a simple task, but it is important.  Learning the difference between faith and feeling, truth and lies, real life and fake life is vital.  The person who chooses Jesus finds the following truth: Psalm 1:1-3  NLT   Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. 2  But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. 3 They...

Another day in Psalm 1

  This is the e-devotion.  It is an honor to be able to share with you some of the incredible parts of God’s word.  Over the next couple weeks I will share some pieces of Scripture that mean the most to me. Nothing super deep.  Nothing too big.  But profound and strong. We continue what we started yesterday walking through Psalm 1.  God has spoken to me from this chapter many times.   The person who chooses God, follows His way and seeks Jesus will find some things true about themselves.  Here is what they or us with know. Psalm 1:1-3  NLT   Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. 2  But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. 3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.  Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. Yet those who do not walk with God will find a diffe...