There is more to life than just getting by, just surviving, yet it is difficult to live in a different way. The status quo or the normal every day life is to take care of yourself, provide for your family and if you can help others a little, that is all good. I challenge that thinking. God says life is more than the getting by. Life is really lived when we accept His offers and see what He sees. Let’s take another dive as the new year is only a few weeks old. I love these verses and ask that we spend some time seeking God for the application as well as the challenge of helping those around us live with meaning. Read on… John 10:10 NASB The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly. Abundance is God’s promise, but we have an enemy doing everything in his power to kill that thought for us. Choose God’s promise of abundance. Ephesians 1:18 NLT I pray that your he...