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Showing posts with the label stopandpray

spend time in prayer

  Ephesians 6:18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. I believe that is one of the things that God calls us to do.  It is not a monthly or occasional thing.  It is a daily and many times through the day thing.  Would you agree? I remember hearing story after story from people who encountered God in significant ways.  All shared how prayer was part of their days. This was true of Jesus who moved away throughout the day as the Bible reminds of so that He could spend time with the Father.  President Abraham Lincoln said that on days he had so much to do that he had to first spend time in prayer.  One of the first biographies I read was of George Muller.  He shared how when the children in his orphanage has great needs that he and his staff would go to God, and their prayers were often answers in miraculous ways. There are many more testimonies as those. ...

National Day of Prayer

2 Chronicles 7:14    NLT Then if my   people   who are   called by my name will   humble   themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. That one important verse is seen on marquees, is quoted in sermons and is touted in so many places when we talk about the needs of our country and of many other things.    If you read the verses that surround it, there is much, much to learn. Solomon had just completed the incredible feat of the construction of the temple and the palace.    It was a beautiful landmark that his father so wanted to build, but it was the son now king, Solomon, that brought the temple in to its glory.    God appears to him and reminds Solomon of the deep need of God to know His people and to love them. Even if all kinds of bad things happen when God’s people come humbly to their God, God will ...


Luke 5:16 (NASB) But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray. For more than a year each Sunday at The Community Fellowship we have been encouraged to stop and pray for people and situations that we come across.   It is a shame that Christians often promise to pray for someone and forget to do so.   This promise might come from a sincere desire to pray for it may be just a simple word like saying hello and not wanting a response. Years ago I learned the power of stopping at the moment you feel the need or push to pray and praying.   When I was a very young pastor, I remember a Sunday morning where a lady told me about a need in her family.   I knelt and prayed with that lady right there.   It was a powerful moment for that lady and for me. That days rings in my memory, and that memory has caused me to encourage others to literally stop and pray for and with the people that come in and out of our lives.   It also means...