Praise the Lord for the fact that we are part of His family. If Jesus is our savior, then we really are sons and daughters of God. Take that one to the bank. But do we believe it and act like it? Far too many people deal with guilt, shame and just choose to live like being part of God’s family is not real and not true about them. Yet God says some things about us that we need to hold on to as tight as possible. Romans 5:2 NLT Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory. Our faith in Christ, what He alone could do for us, is what brought us to God and made us family. We can be confident in this fact. Step a little closer. It is true that faith plays a huge part in our lives can give God glory and how we can live with joy in all circumstances. For this to be our reality we have to believe God. Colossians 1:2...