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Showing posts with the label everlasting

everlasting Father

Much of the following devotion was shared in December of 2012: God is our EVERLASTING FATHER which is one of the my favorite verses that speaks through the Christmas story.   What is true about God ought to be true about us as earthly fathers and parents because we often look at God the Father through the lens of our earthly father.   That means that some of us have a messed up view of God.   It also scares me because if I mess up as a father that will have a long term impact on my kids and their relationship with God.  I want to give my kids and others a healthy view of God.   We serve God who is a wonderful counselor, a might God and an everlasting father.   There is nothing we can do to earn God’s love.  He loves us more than we can imagine.  Too many people tried to earn their father’s love or gain their acceptance.  We don’t have to do that with God.  Be accepts us and loves as we a...