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Showing posts with the label broken

God's design and our brokenness

We continue our series called the 3 Circles at The Community Fellowship.  It talks about an easy way to share our faith. God has a plan that He put in motion almost from the beginning of time.  Well, actually from the beginning of us humans messing up with what we know as sin.  God’s design is for us to know purpose and life and love and even abundance.   When sin gets in the way, there is a break in the possibility of us experiencing God and His best for us.  That is why we have to trust God, look to God and share our findings with as many people as possible.  Follow me. Matthew 28:19-20  NLT   Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” God gave us a mission.  We have a story to tell.  How are we doing? Acts...

those in need

There is nothing new around the world.  Remember, Solomon said that in the book of Ecclesiastes.  He went even further to talk about how all things seemed useless and painful.  We’ve all experienced this in life and watched it played out in so many ways. Psalm 34:18  NLT The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Around the world right now there are so many things going on that need a move of God as people are in so much pain. In Haiti this past weekend earthquakes killed over 1,000 people leaving many more in pain and seeking help. In Cuba, which is close to my heart, there continues to be political unrest, growing cases of Covid-19, need of food and basic necessities as well as a growing gap between government and people. In Afghanistan there is so much pain with the government being taken over and people seeking help.  The news reports leave me hurting for Christians and others going through what seems so harsh. Growin...

never forget

Proverbs 3:25  NASB Do not be afraid of   sudden   fear Nor of the onslaught of the wicked when it comes; I will never forget. Even though I admit it is easy to forget.  Honestly, it is. Today marks the anniversary of that horrible, terrible, dreadful day we know at 9-11.  Thousands lost their lives that day in New York City, in a field in Pennsylvania and in our nation’s capital.  It was a sad and difficult day for our nation. I was sitting at my new desk having recently become the pastor of a rural church in Virginia when the phone rang.  A frantic father asks me to pray that his son is found.  His son worked in the Pentagon near where the plane crashed. His son was found and was not hurt a short time later.  Praise the Lord.  Many were not that blessed on this fateful day. I got up from the desk and hurriedly made my way the 100 yards away to our living room where ...

God and the broken hearted

Broken people call His name Helpless children praise the King Nothing brings Him greater fame When broken people call His name -- from the song   Lift High   by   Fee Band I meet broken people all the time.  People who have been hurt by others, crushed by disease or poverty are in need of our great God.  People who are in the midst of a great deal of pain are accepted and loved by God and, I pray, by each of us.  Who do you know that is broken?  Have you ever been broken? The first time I heard it my heart melted because of the broken people I have met who are in need of Jesus and are allowing real hope to take hold of their lives.  There are broken people around us, AND when we get honest about our own brokenness, other broken people will find healing.  Honestly, the church and Christians, we have a tendency to look the other way, to forget where we have come from and to not help those in need because that can be mes...