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Showing posts with the label Martin Luther

understanding the reformation

Reformation Day is October 31, just over one week ago, and it is the day we remember that in the 15th century when a German monk, Martin Luther, nailed his arguments named “The 95 Theses” to the door of Wittenberg's Castle Church.  Luther was not happy with the activities of the Catholic Church, especially the sale of indulgences as penance.  So, What Was The Protestant Reformation?  Martin Luther and his contemporaries started a protest against the unbiblical actions and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe, which launched the Protestant Reformation.  The Protestant Reformation was a call back to biblical Christianity, to acknowledge that the authority on all matters, both for the Church and believers, is God's Word alone and that sinful man is reconciled with God by faith in Christ alone. Out of the Reformation emerged five essential points of doctrine known as the five solas. The five Latin statements serve as a summary of the core beliefs that separat...

the birth of our Savior

If Christ had arrived with trumpets and lain in a cradle of gold, his birth would have been a splendid affair.   But it would not be a comfort to me.   He was rather to lie in the lap of a poor maiden and be thought of little significance in the eyes of the world.   Now I can come to him.   Now he reveals himself to the miserable in order not to give any impression that he arrives with great power, splendor, wisdom, and aristocratic manners.   But upon his return on that Day, when he will oppose the high and the mighty, it will be different.   Now he comes to the poor, who need a Savior, but then he will come as a Judge against those who are persecuting him now. --- Martin Luther, 1530 in a sermon Our perspective of Christmas ought to change the way we live.   Most people were not born into privilege.   In fact the majority of the people born on this planet were born in to poverty.   That means that most people reading this post toda...