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Showing posts with the label abilities

what you do well

All of us have special gifts and abilities that God has given us.   It is important that we know what they are.   Most likely you have been part of a conversation, if you have been active in church, about finding out what your spiritual gifts are and using them to serve. Since The Community Fellowship church began almost 8 years ago we have had at our core the thought that for the church to function and do things well that we need to find what our callings and gifts are, a few things, and do great with them.   That is not an easy process. Mark 7:37   NASB They were utterly astonished, saying, “He has done all things well ; He makes even the deaf to hear and the mute to speak.” Jesus did things well.   But He could do anything.   He saw people for who they were and built in to them the potential to use the gifts God had given them. Because we are human often our sight isn’t good or we pre judge people because of our perception, yet I ...