The following is a devotion written by Sumner Wemp who was one of my professors in Bible college. He was one of the first professors at Liberty University serving there in the 1970’s and 80’s. His words and life inspired me. But what touched me the most about Dr. Wemp was the application of all he taught to his life. He was a soul winner that walked with God in humility and with passion. Read on What he shared in this devotion titled “Look What God Did” from 2012. A preacher friend was having a very well known friend of mine, preach for him one Wednesday night. My wife and I rushed like mad but still left late and the church was way on the other side of town. Half way over there we were stopped by a red light. I looked down and we were right at empty of gas. We pulled into the gas station just across the street. The attendant hurried to fill the tank. I tha...