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Showing posts from August, 2008

I love Small Groups

I really love our small group Bible studies and am looking forward to some good growth in the coming month through the "30 Days to Live" series.

only Jesus [+] Friday E-Devotion

This story comes directly out of Scripture, Matthew 17 .  An amazing story that the Bible calls the mount of Transfiguration.  It is when Jesus, with some of His disciples went up on a mountain, and on that mountain Moses and Elijah show up.  It is awesome, but it brings some serious questions and thoughts we ought to think through.   The disciples, Peter and James and John, were with Jesus when this awesome happening took place.  The first thing that Peter said when he saw this with his own eyes was:   4 Peter exclaimed, "Lord, it's wonderful for us to be here! If you want, I'll make three shelters as memorials—one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah."   Not sure how I would have responded, but lets think about what Peter said.  One piece was about the wonder of being with God in the flesh, with Jesus.  Another piece is the fact that humans love memorials to special times, experiences...

home prayer meetings for "30 Days to Live"

Hello Community family,   We are getting ready to start our new series 30 Days to Live . Before starting this series we are wanting to have several in-home prayer meetings, each night September 2-13, so that we can all be ready for such an amazing series.  We need 11 homes in order to make this work. At this time we have the following:   Doug and Deb Mosley, Tammyand David Gray, Justin and Sarah Taylor, Susi and Greg Fulcher, Jennifer McDaniel, and Trey and Sheri Harris   Only 11 more homes to go.  After we have all 11, you will be asked what night you can host this event.  One of our leadership team members will be at each to lead the prayer time.  We are simply asking for you to open your home and share in a time of prayer.  You don't have to clean, and you don't have to have a mansion. We just need homes where the lord is served. Let us know by e-mail ( ) or by phone (276-647-8231) that you will help...

love more --- expect less [+] Wednesday E-Devotion

"What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like."    --- Saint Augustine   love more --- expect less   That is on the back of our brand new t-shirts at The Community Fellowship.  Our leadership team continues to talk about and embrace what it really means.  Loving people is no easy task, yet this is the purpose that God placed our church in the middle of Henry County for.  We have to love people where they are, as they are and all the time.  This gives me, as a leader, a real sense of understanding what God is doing.   This motto (gonna be with us through 2009) found much understanding through the quote from Augustine that I copied above.  Also I remember many years ago, 8th grade Bible class and teacher Dan Korver, ...

Word 4 Today

"iron sharpens iron. So one man sharpens another." Prov 27:17 Let the people you encounter today help make you better, not bitter...stronger, not weaker...more like God and less like yourself.

who we blame [+] Tuesday E-Devotion

Tim Stevens encourages my socks off.  He is the executive pastor of Granger Community Church and the author of Pop Goes the Church .  His insight is good.   He recently posted notes from Willow Creek's leadership summit .  This is one of them, quoting Chuck Colson , that I want us to chat about today:   Don't blame the culture for what is wrong in the world. There are truths every Christian should agree on. They are non-negotiables... 1. God is.  2. He has spoken. The Bible is the word of God.  3. Jesus came. And 4. God is triune.   Stevens gave our leadership team a direct hit in his book as we look at culture, how we interact with people and the lengths that we are willing to go to to offer people real faith.  Colson's "Don't blame the culture" statement is one that, honestly, makes me cringe a little.  Why?  It is because for too long the church has sat on the si...

bring it on [+] Monday E-Devotion

There are some things in life that you have to allow to happen while there are others that you can not stop and can not control.  Those things that we can control often get out of control really easy as we allow them to get bigger or as we leave them alone or push them away.   As I begin this week, there are some verses that have been on my heart in big ways.  Lets take a look...but here is the over shadowing thought.  We have to ask God to "bring it on".  To bring the right stuff into our lives.  Remind us to allow these things to stick close to us and be real.  We have a choice, and here they are:   from Colosians 3 (nlt)   13  Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive...   14   Above all, clothe yourselves with love...   15   And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts.   16   Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fi...

Men's Day & a Wedding

Rootbeer floats, wedding cake and great music. What do they have in common? It was this morning at The Community Fellowship. Men's Day had been on the calendar for over two months when we learned that one our ladies moms was diagnosed with cancer. Tests are not good and treatment started immediately. Her wedding was set for over a month later, but mom's health was about to take a big hit due to high powered treatments. What did we do? Walk in the door with me. 2 bass boats from Angler's Choice outside. Numerous taxidermied fish, a deer head, a bob cake and more just inside from Sonny Joyce. Across the room, set for a wedding reception. It was an awesome day. Rootbeer floats are being served, too. Many people who don't go to church showed up. Several of them we've been praying for their salvation. Special music from NewFound was good! In 90 minutes we worshiped, absorbed some Jesus through the Bible and participated in Karri and Matt's wedding cer...

winner of "Wild Goose Chase" book give away

And the winner is (drum role, please).   CINDY HALL   Cindy works for a government agency in Virginia and is also our technology guru at The Community Fellowship.  She has the distinction of being the only person whose head I hit on a rock in the river in which I was baptizing her (there was no injury).  Her love for God, life, family and her church shines through her commitment and follow through.   It is an honor to hand this book to her in front of our precious Community family this Sunday.   NOTE: more book reviews are coming soon.  The next review will be of Stephen Mansfield's The Faith of Barack Obama and will be posted late next week!

reflect on what was said before [+] Friday E-Devotion

I have spent some time reflecting on some things I wrote and said almost two years ago.  Lets take a look at some quotes:   10-13-06  "Christians ought to be the best. We ought to show up early and stay late. We ought to give our all and then some more and not ask for extras. To be the best does not mean we become people of pride or arrogance. This means we desire for people to see God therefore give our all so others will see God, not us."   10-25-06  "In ministry we must learn to allow God to fill our weakness, and we must learn to allow our weaknesses to thrive so that God can be seen. Be honest when you are weak."   10-31-06 "At the end of the rope … No where else to turn … many people find that those two places are very ones where they find God. Yet all along the path they have been walking or running, He has been there. Far too many people, including Christians, have God as their last resort when ...

the other side of the fence [+] Thursday E-Devotion

The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence.  Through some pretty awesome conversation this week I have been examining what the other side of the fence may really be like.  I am talking about the fence that separates the saved and the lost.  Those who know God and those who don't.   My problem is that I dwell too much on the side where all the saved people are.  I don't think enough about the other side and how to help people cross this fence.  I must listen to their stories.  Hear their heart.  And most of all find passion for people who need Jesus.  By the way, some of them don't know they need Jesus and others simply don't want Him at all.  Does that make sense?   Luke 15:32  (nlt) --- We had to celebrate this happy day. For your brother was dead and has come back to life! He was lost, but now he is found!'"   The Prodigal son or brother jumped t...

Margaret Feinberg's "The Sacred Echo" is good

You need to read it.  Click here for more information or to find where to buy the book.  Here is what some people are saying about this new book:   ________________________________   Margaret Feinberg's The Sacred Echo gave me a new perspective on prayer. Very well written and thought-provoking, it helped me see prayer in a fresh light. Simply a must-read if your prayer life is stuck or in a rut . — Dr. Gary Smalley, Author of Change Your Heart, Change Your Life ________________________________   This book should become a classic—but I hope not a classic more revered than enjoyed. — Leonard Sweet, Drew University, George Fox University ________________________________   Pay very close attention to words of my friend Margaret. Her wisdom and unique insight on connecting with our Maker is truly remarkable. Her words are prophetic. The Sacred Echo opened a new path for me to connect deeply with God in prayer. — Mike Foster, P...

Margaret Feinberg speaking at The Community Fellowship Sept 6 and 7

Margaret Feinberg will be speaking September 6 th and 7 th at The Community Fellowship in Collinsville, Virginia.   YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND.  For information please call the church (276-647-8231) or go to Margaret's website ( ) or The Community Fellowship's website ( ).   SPEAKER, AUTHOR, INSPIRATION (taken from her website) A popular speaker at churches and leading conferences such as Fusion, Catalyst, and LeadNow, Margaret Feinberg invites people to discover the relevance of God and His Word in a modern world. Audiences love her ability to connect the practical with the spiritual. Recently named by Charisma magazine one of the "30 Emerging Voices" who will help lead the church in the next decade, she has written more than a dozen books including the critically-acclaimed The Organic God (Zondervan). While Twentysomething and What the Heck Am I Going to Do With My Life? have established her as an ex...

pray for and proud of Jack

Our nephew, Jack Roundtree, serves our country at a Marine and is now stationed in the country of Djibouti in Africa. These pictures came from his mom yesterday, and I thought you would like to see them. Also wanted to ask you to pray for Jack and all our military (including Lisa who is in Iraq; her in-laws attend The Community. The first picture is Jack, and the second is his living quarters. It is a simple, remodeled storage container with a University of Georgia flag flown high above. We're praying for you, Jackie!

Pray for Bell Shoals Baptist Church in Florida

Sunday morning Simeon Nix, Worship Pastor at Bell Shoals , passed away of a heart attack.  Three months ago the church's pastor, Forrest Pollock, and his 13 year old son died in a plane crash.  Please pray for the Bell Shoals Church family as well as the Nix and Pollock families.   Read more about this here .

do you believe in God? [+] Wednesday E-devotion

Strange question for a devotion written for Christians from a pastor.  Right?  But it is an honest question that deserves our answer.  A good answer at that.   At Catalyst 2007 Craig Groeschel shared a message titled Practical Atheism where he talked about the fact that some people say they believe that God exists but live as if he doesn't.  That hurt.   Anne Jackson at her blog yesterday, Flowerdust , asked a question that hit me about the same: What are the biggest obstacles you have to becoming an atheist?   That stings.   I left a comment at Anne's blog with these 2 verses:   Psalm 34:8  (nlt) --- Taste and see that the Lord is good.  Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!   Philippians 3:10  (nlt) --- I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death,    When I think about...

"Wild Goose Chase" by Mark Batterson (a review)

Hitting the book shelves of the bookstores and the market place on the Internet is Mark Batterson's book Wild Goose Chase .  This is an awesome book to follow In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day , Mark's first book.   You can follow Wild Goose Chase and also see Mark's "10 Steps to Setting Life Goals" at .   BOOK REVIEW (of sorts)   I really enjoy Mark Batterson's style and find him easy to read and understand.  At the same time I find myself challenged as a Christ follower and as a church leader.  The reader is reminded that life is intended, from God, to be an adventure and not boring.   Mark talks about six cages that hold Christians back from being who God intends for us to be.  They are: the cage of responsibility , the cage of routine , the cage of assumptions , the cage of guilt , the cage of failure , and the cage of fear .  Each one opens up some pretty deep questions for ...

invite people to follow Jesus [+] Tuesday E-Devotion

Early this week Craig Groeschel of shared a post on their church blog that made me stop and think.  Take a look:   10 Reasons to Invite People to Follow Christ Every Week At Church Someone may be at church only once. The Holy Spirit may have been working on them for months or years. Even some churched people don't understand the gospel. Many trust in the church for salvation instead of trusting Christ. Seeing others saved gives believers another reason to worship and motivation to witness. New Christians can "light a church on fire." Angels in heaven get to party when one person meets Christ. Hell is a real place. You care deeply about people. Families, workplaces, neighborhoods, cities, and generations could be different when one person meets Christ. You may think that this thought is not necessary since we Baptist give an invitation at every service.  But we need to stop and look at how we do this, w...

follow me on Twitter Twitter is like few other things I have ever found.  Kind of like blog.  Connected with a bit of facebook.  Just one liners of "what are you doing now".  Connecting with people.  The people you care about and the people you like to follow.  Check out my twitter and follow me!

another way to "demonstrate the love of God to our communmity"

Saying Grace In A Restaurant (a story) Last week, I took my children to a restaurant. My six-year-old son asked if he could say grace. As we bowed our heads he said, "God is good, God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would even thank you more if Mom gets us ice cream for dessert. And Liberty and justice for all! Amen!" Along with the laughter from the other customers nearby, I heard a woman remark, "That's what's wrong with this country. Kids today don't even know how to pray. Asking God for ice cream! Why, I never!" Hearing this, my son burst into tears and asked me, "Did I do it wrong? Is God mad at me?" As I held him and assured him that he had done a terrific job, and God was certainly not mad at him, an elderly gentleman approached the table. He winked at my son and said, "I happen to know that God thought that was a great prayer." "Really?" my son asked. "Cross my heart," the man replied. Then...

"Wild Goose Chase" is now on sale

"The will of God is NOT an insurance plan. The will of God is a daring plan! When was the last time you read the 11th chapter of Hebrews? Not every story ends with seeming success. People were sawed in half, stoned to death and chained in dungeons. But our Wild Goose Chase doesn't end when we die. In fact, death is just the beginning. And it is that eternal perspective that gives us the courage to come out of the cage and live dangerously for the cause of Christ, even if it means death." (pages 147-148) Get Mark Batterson's WILD GOOSE CHASE today. Watch for my review in 3 hours right here.


"It is time to quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. Instead, we need to start playing offense with our lives. The world more daring people with daring plans. Why not you?" (page 13) Mark Batterson's WILD GOOSE CHASE goes on sale tomorrow. Check one of these places to get your copy. Amazon - Barnes & Noble - Borders - CBD - Family Christian Stores - Parable Watch for my review of WILD GOOSE CHASE in 18 hours!

love until it hurts [+] Monday E-Devotion

We have been taught for years.  Jesus said "go the second mile" ... "turn the other cheek" ... be the "good Samaritan".  What is the deal with all three of those stories Jesus told?   Each one was a picture of love in action.  It didn't stay on the sidelines.  It got involved.  It spoke up.  It acted love out.  I cannot tell you how I feel and how excited I get when I see someone loving someone with true unconditional love.  That is when you give and don't expect to get anything back.  It is when you go beyond the norm or what others think is enough.   By the way, that is what Jesus did.   "If you want to impact someone's life, love them when they least expect it and least deserve it.  When people blow it, you have an opportunity to impact their lives forever.  You might think, they don't deserve it.   That's the point, isn't it...

XM radio political interview

Today I had the opportunity to talk about God, faith and politics at noon on XM radio station 130. The opportunity came out of no where after I posted information about the event happening this Saturday night with Senators McCain and Obama at Rick Warren's Saddleback Church in California. 2 Timothy 4:2 says we are always to be ready to share our God. Plus I believe that Christians must put our faith into practice even in the political venue. Even our vote must "demonstrate the love of GOD to our community" and beyond!

Back2school...even more blessings

Almost 200 haircuts were given during our back2school outreach event. This young lady was not able to get one last Saturday so her family came back today as we have now reached almost 300 kids getting free school supplies at Our church kids are set for a good surprise this coming Sunday. See you at Community Worship, Sunday at 10:10 a.m. (Thanks to Sharon and Jan for giving all those haircuts.)

Back2school give away GIRL winner

Shanique goes to Martinsville High and is our GIRL back2school give away winner. Pray for her.

audience of one [+] Friday E-Devotion

A couple years ago I had a conversation with a prayer warrior friend, Harry from Tulsa, that led me to hear about and understand the concept of an "audience of one".  This is good.  So good.   I read about people who prepared to preform for people like presidents, queens and others.  There would be lots of people in the audience, yet with the honorable one in attendance, the performance would ultimately feel like an "audience of one".  Moving a bit further I learned how we are living our lives and giving our praise for an audience of one, that is God.  The one who made us, loves us, sent His son for us and continues to give to us every day.   The music group Big Daddy Weave puts it this way in their song by the same name:   To my audience of one You are Father, and you are Son As your spirit flows free, Let it find within me A heart that beats to praise you. And now just to know you m...

Catalyst ticket arrived

My ticket to the Catalyst Conference, in Atlanta Oct 8-10, just arrived. I'm excited!

a blog I commend to you

Michael Hyatt is the CEO of Thomas Nelson and has been in the blog world for some time.  I find his thoughts and posts insightful and encouraging.  Soon I wil be posting a review of a new book by Stephen Mansfield , The Faith of Barak Obama .  Take a look at "From Where I Sit", Michael Hyatt's blog.  As a leader, you will be challenged.  As a Christian, you will be encouraged. PS --- this post from his blog really caught my attention.  I wonder why?  Also, the Swerve blog highlighted "From Where I Sit" today.

Watch Senators McCain and Obama at Saddleback Saturday night

August 16 & 17 We're honored to welcome Senators John McCain and Barack Obama to our campus this Saturday, August 16, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. for their first joint appearance as presidential candidates. Pastor Rick will interview each candidate on topics of stewardship, worldview, leadership, and America's role in the world. Invite your friends to watch the forum live on CNN or KDOC. To learn more or to view the event online, visit "To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices." Mark 12:33 (NIV) Be a part of our workshop and learn some essential biblical tools for growing in your role as a parent and developing a parenting plan built on a spiritual foundation. ...