There are so many voices seeking our attention and trying to change our direction. It is important to listen carefully and seek the Lord in all we do. The consequences to how we listen, or not listening, or who we listen to are huge. We live with all sorts of noises as well. Our culture is screaming for our attention, and many of us are allowing the culture not only to get our attention but to rob us of the good things God has given us. It is robbing us of our morality, our right thinking and even of our righteousness. Music, movies, pop culture in so many veins… all are slanted away from God. It is important that we tune our ears to hear God. It is important that we turn our lives in the direction God guides us. It is important that we guard our hearts and allow into our hearing and our minds only what will honor God and what comes from God. Joshua 2:11 (NLT) No wonder our hearts have melted in fear! No one ha...