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Showing posts from September, 2012


There are so many voices seeking our attention and trying to change our direction.  It is important to listen carefully and seek the Lord in all we do.  The consequences to how we listen, or not listening, or who we listen to are huge. We live with all sorts of noises as well.  Our culture is screaming for our attention, and many of us are allowing the culture not only to get our attention but to rob us of the good things God has given us.  It is robbing us of our morality, our right thinking and even of our righteousness.  Music, movies, pop culture in so many veins… all are slanted away from God. It is important that we tune our ears to hear God.  It is important that we turn our lives in the direction God guides us.  It is important that we guard our hearts and allow into our hearing and our minds only what will honor God and what comes from God. Joshua 2:11 (NLT) No wonder our hearts have melted in fear! No one ha...

pray like this

For as long as I can remember what we call “The Lord’s Prayer” has been taught as a way to pray as well as used in corporate prayer.  Prayer literally is our line of communication with God.  It is a huge part of staying tied to and close to God. The scripture below begins with some direct instruction about how we are to pray.  Prayer happens in all kinds of locations.  It happens in public and in private.  Pray is used before meals and during public events.   These instructions have to do with how we communicate with God in private. Spend time by yourself with God.  He knows your heart, and God wants your heart.  Don’t use all those Bible or church words.  Just speak to God.  Make sure your prayers have meaning.  Read on… Matthew 6:6-13 (NLT) But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward ...

that's refreshing

There are all different kinds of times where I am refreshed.  There are short times when a breath of fresh air gives you an extra push forward.  There are other times when an extended get away or happening allows you to be refreshed and gain perspective.  The fact is we need times of refreshing. I’ve said it.  You and I have heard others say it.  That’s refreshing.  Acts 3:20 (NLT) Then times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord, and he will again send you Jesus, your appointed Messiah. When we spend time with God there are times of refreshing that come that last longer than the nap you took or the meal that hit the spot.  God desires to refresh us to do that often.  He made our bodies with a need for rest.  Through the Ten Commandments God taught us to take a day to worship and not to work.  Doctors and scientist have proven the facts of how rest and refreshing are necessary for healt...

letting faith work

I am preaching through a series called CONSUMED walking through the theology of the book of Romans.  This past Sunday we looked at chapter 4 that is a highlight of Abraham and his faith.  There are some great truths that we must learn from him. One piece that sticks out in my mind and heart has to do with how I live by faith.  Do I trust God?  Do the situations around me cause me to question or move away from God?  Those answers might surprise you. Romans 4:19-22 (NLT) And Abraham’s faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead—and so was Sarah’s womb. 
 20  Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. 21  He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises. 22  And because of Abraham’s faith, God counted him as righteous. None of us are Abraham, but we are people of fai...

on borrowed time

Do you ever have a song that gets stuck in your head and you just can’t get rid of it?  I do that pretty often, but in the last couple months there has been one song and one phrase that has stuck out to me.  Thought I’d share this incredible thought with you. The phrase is this: I wanna live like there’s no tomorrow.  Love like I’m on borrowed time.  It’s good to be alive. That brings us many thoughts and lots of questions.  Life isn’t easy.  Honestly, life seems to get busier all the time.  There is little time for anything other than work or getting a few things accomplished.  Some things don’t get done.  Some of the things we enjoy even get pushed aside. It is my belief that God has called us to enjoy life.  Do you agree?  Life is to be lived with meaning, purpose and with joy.  Life is not to be boring or mundane and without any purpose.  If that is our life, it is time to get a new per...