You are either a giver or a taker. You are either pushing others forward or pulling them back. That applies to all of us.
I believe God has called us to live with joy, and He wants to fuel our joy each and everyday. One of the things I believe a great deal is that God uses us to fuel other people, to fuel their joy.
One preacher that has encouraged me said that we are “brokers of hope”. I like that and believe it (that preacher has since passed away). We have the opportunity each to help others have more and more hope in their lives.
Each person has God given potential and our lives should be speaking in to the lives of others making each stronger and better. Again, we either give or take. We either help or hurt others along the way.
I ran across some verses that illustrated this very well.
Jeremiah 31 NLT
Verse 2: This is what the Lord says: “Those who survive the coming destructionwill find blessings even in the barren land,for I will give rest to the people of Israel.”
Verse 3: Long ago the Lord said to Israel:“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.
Verse 7: Now this is what the Lord says:“Sing with joy for Israel. Shout for the greatest of nations!Shout out with praise and joy:‘Save your people, O Lord,the remnant of Israel!’
Verse 9: Tears of joy will stream down their faces, and I will lead them home with great care. They will walk beside quiet streams and on smooth paths where they will not stumble. For I am Israel’s father, and Ephraim is my oldest child.
Several parts of those verses stick out to me. God will bless us even when there have been difficult times. God has loved us His unending and unfailing love. With that trust we can shout for joy. Our emotions will overflow with joy when we see what God has done and continues to do.
Let’s help fuel the joy, hope and dreams of other people. Be a broker of hope.