The following is a devotion written by Sumner Wemp who was one of my professors in Bible college. He was one of the first professors at Liberty University serving there in the 1970’s and 80’s.
His words and life inspired me. But what touched me the most about Dr. Wemp was the application of all he taught to his life. He was a soul winner that walked with God in humility and with passion.
Read on What he shared in this devotion titled “Look What God Did” from 2012.
A preacher friend was having a very well known friend of mine, preach for him one Wednesday night. My wife and I rushed like mad but still left late and the church was way on the other side of town.
Half way over there we were stopped by a red light. I looked down and we were right at empty of gas. We pulled into the gas station just across the street. The attendant hurried to fill the tank. I thanked, paid him and as always, I gave him a gospel tract.
He burst out, “Man, I have been trying to get saved for weeks, tell me what to do.” I told him God loved him, let the Holy Spirit do the convicting of sin. Starting out telling him he is a sinner more often offends them. He desperately needs to know God loves him. God started out with John 3:16, “God so loved the world.” I find that works better. God sent His sinless, perfect Son, the Lord Jesus to suffer and die for your sins and mine, paid our debt in full rose again and was seen alive by hundreds of people. Now God says to believe the Lord Jesus paid your way to heaven in full and receive Him as your Savior too and God will save you, give you a new birth so you can live the Christian life. Just as that preacher asked, will you take this woman to be your wife and you said,“ ‘yes’ he pronounced you married. Will you take Jesus to be your savior? From your heart tell Him yes and he will save you, give you a new birth spiritually so you can live the Christian life.
He prayed with me to receive the Lord Jesus. We looked up and he and Celeste and I were all weeping with joy. That is what God saved us and left us here to lead someone else to Christ.
I speak this to your’s and my shame. Make sense? Let’s all do something about it.
1 Corinthians 15:34 NLT
Think carefully about what is right, and stop sinning. For to your shame I say that some of you don’t know God at all.