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The Community Fellowship News

Hey Church Family!

Just wanted to keep you up to date on all that is going on. We had a great time Sunday at our Small Group Bible Studies and at Worship. There were 95 people present for worship. This coming Saturday at 6 pm we will worship together at Spring of Life Christian Camp near Patrick Springs, VA. You won’t want to miss this special time of listening, learning and living what God has given us as a new church family.

Wednesday evening beginning at 6:30 pm there will be a business meeting to discuss my severance pay at The Orchard. I am told there will not be any discussion only a vote of YES or NO on the package that has been offered. If you feel the Lord leading you to go, please do so. If you feel like you should not go, stay away. It is my conviction that each of us do what God lays on our hearts.

Your leadership team will be meeting Wednesday evening to continue praying, planning and preparing to be all God has called us to be. Let one of the team know if there is something you would like discussed there. Further, please pray for a couple matters: a building for us to use and priority on what is important. I am so blessed to have these four people (Cindy, Lee, Tommy and Trey) joining me along with each of you.

Check Out These Two Links: and where you will be able to get updates about the church in the coming days. They may look the same. This is only the beginning of the new church's presense on the internet. The Community Fellowship is off and running strong.

Remember that it is all about Jesus! Thank you for your prayers, your partnership and your patience. God is putting together His great work in and through our lives.
With GOD as my guide,

Pastor Michael
(James 1:5)

4 steps to planting The Community Fellowship: DREAMING, DEVELOPING, DEPLOYING & D-DAY


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