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Re-Telling Truth Re-Minds ME :: Tuesday E-Devotion

Last evening I had the honor of taking part in a short 9/11 memorial service at Martinsville Speedway. These have been tough days for our family, but this single event gave me some moments to reflect on the words I heard, remembered and shared after September 11, 2001. I needed them.

Ever had a person who is always Re-Telling a you story? I have some friends that may tell you the same story 100 times.

Ever need someone that often Re-Minds you of what are the backs facts? I have friends that keep telling me stuff like that.

Yet we have a God who loves us enough to do both, and through the memorial service for 9/11 God Re-Telling Truth that Re-Minds ME of what is really in control. I needed that. The scripture that was so strong was Psalms 46. It is copied below from The Message, but before we go to the scripture, I give you my three main praises I learn:

:) God is my safe and happy place!

:) I need to stop and look to Him!

:) Seeing His awesome ways encourages me!

That is our God, my God, who is has been doing this … Re-Telling Truth that Re-Minds ME.

Psalms 46 (The Message)

1-3 God is a safe place to hide, ready to help when we need him. We stand fearless at the cliff-edge of doom, courageous in seastorm and earthquake, Before the rush and roar of oceans, the tremors that shift mountains. Jacob-wrestling God fights for us, God-of-Angel-Armies protects us. 4-6 River fountains splash joy, cooling God's city, this sacred haunt of the Most High. God lives here, the streets are safe, God at your service from crack of dawn. Godless nations rant and rave, kings and kingdoms threaten, but Earth does anything he says. 7 Jacob-wrestling God fights for us, God-of-Angel-Armies protects us. 8-10 Attention, all! See the marvels of God! He plants flowers and trees all over the earth, Bans war from pole to pole, breaks all the weapons across his knee. "Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything." 11 Jacob-wrestling God fights for us, God-of-Angel-Armies protects us.


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