This is not going to be about who to blame for the poor condition of our economy or even about what to do about it for yourself. There are plenty of people like Dave Ramsey or Joe Sangl that can give you some thoughts from that perspective
My thought is more like this: just be honest!!! This economy and the recession stinks, but it doesn't change my faith. Friends have lost jobs. Many if not all of us have lost some of our savings and retirement. Tough stuff that stinks. Nothing more to it than that.
Question: has this economy, or any recession for that matter, changed our God? Answer: NO!
It is still our choice to serve God, to give from the blessings He has given us and to live. Make that choice with me.
Then I hear about some more people loosing their jobs. One of the churches that has been a great encouragement to me had to lay off several full time people and cut back some others time. That is not fair. No one loosing their job is fair.
The pastor of that church, Mark Beeson of Granger Community Church, said the following in a blog post yesterday:
"Faith is not when we abandon reality and avoid the cares of the world; faith is when we look reality square in the face. Accepting what is real, we recognize there is a deeper Truth beneath that truth. There's a greater Truth that transcends that truth--that God cares, that God has a plan. God cares about your life, your future, your fortune. God cares about your dreams. God made you with a purpose, on purpose, for a purpose, and God is with you."
2 Corinthians 13:5 - Examine yourselves to see whether you are living in faith. Test yourselves.
That spoke volumes to me. This dude is hurting cause his family, those closest to him are effected and hurting. Take a look at what Mark Waltz from the same church had to say (click here). Mark said "I would hate this more, if I didn't hate this."
Get real with the economy by getting real with God. He still loves you, cares for you and is holding you. Stop running from Him and start doing what He has asked you to do. You might just find, as I have, that the faithfulness and sweetness of God makes days like this a little easier to deal with. I didn't say it makes them easy. It makes them easier.
Take a few minutes and put your situation in the hands of God. Isn't He in control of it any way?
1 Peter 5:7 (nlt) --- Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
Psalm 55:22 (nlt) --- Give your burdens to the Lord,and he will take care of you.He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.