What keeps you from stepping out to help others? Often what keeps people from helping and serving is fear of what will happen or fear that they don't have enough. In the past few months, I have been in many conversations that have led me to this conclusion: most people live in constant fear. Folks, that fear doesn't come from God. It comes from Satan.
Be honest. Do you live in constant fear? Do you live with a little or a lot of fear. Be honest. Listen to what God says:
Proverbs 3:24-26 (NLT) --- You can go to bed without fear; you will lie down and sleep soundly. You need not be afraid of sudden disaster or the destruction that comes upon the wicked, for the Lord is your security. He will keep your foot from being caught in a trap.
Sleep is something I like. I'm not like some people who need 8 or 10 hours a night (6 or 7 seems to just enough), but there are some nights that my mind won't shut down. Kind of like the hamster running in his cage, my mind keeps on going. Next time that happens to you, realize what is keeping you from sleeping. Not all the time, for me, is the issue something i am afraid of. Yet I'd say enough of the time it really is fear and stress.
It is time to kick out that fear and trust God. It time to take God as His word and live fear free. What did the scripture say that I copied above?
1 --- you can go to be and sleep fear free. How? Trust God.
2 --- you don't have to fear the next bad thing that might happen. Why? God is our security and holds us tight.
3 --- you can let go of fear and replace it with genuine faith. When? Now!
Take what God says and put it into practice. Be honest about the things you are dealing with. Put fear in it's place. Put faith in it's place. Let God be God in your life and through your situation. What happens when you really do that? That will free you to serve others and to give them hope.
Let God make your sleep sweet by letting go of the fear that keeps you awake at night.