If you want a common or ordinary marriage, don’t honor or dishonor
your spouse. Ruin your marriage or any
relationship by removing honor from marriage.
Most relationships start great because we honor each other, but in time
relationships become common where honor is set aside.
To give worth or value to something is to give honor. There are lots of things that we value that
few people think have value but others don’t think it is valuable. To honor is to lift up. To dishonor is to push down or to put
lower. Honor lifts. Dishonor tears down. You and I have seen people do this
often. Relationships change when you honor
the other person.
Tragically we have become a culture where we rarely honor people. Biblically we are called to honor certain
people. Think about it. Who are you honoring?
We are to honor our PARENTS.
Exodus 20:12 NASB
Honor your father and
your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land the Lord your God
gives you.
Would you agree that we are a culture that dishonors our parents? Teens talk back to the parents and get away
with it. Yes ma’am and yes sir has
almost gone away. It is time to go back
to what our parents and others have know.
We honor our moms and dads because it is right in God’s eyes. Even if they don’t deserve honor, we are
honor them. Doing that teaches others to
We are to honor those in AUTHORITY over us. Those that God has placed over us deserve our
honor. We owe things to the people above
Romans 13:7 NIV
Give everyone what
you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay them; if revenue, then revenue; respect,
then respect; if honor, then honor.
Show honor to those in authority.
Your coach, teacher, boss… before you are OVER you have to learn to show
honor to those OVER you. Before you can be
OVER others, you have to learn to be UNDER.
If we want someone to climb higher in life, learn to honor them. Let them know that they aren’t common, but
they are honorable.
We are to honor our PASTORS and church LEADERS. We are called by God to honor those who
spiritually instruct us. Pastors and
church leaders. I don’t bring this to
you to raise me up, but this is a Biblical mandate.
1 Timothy 5:17 NIV
The elders who direct
the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially
those whose work is preaching and teaching.
Following your leader is the biggest honor you can give. It lifts and helps others value. The Bible says…
Romans 12:10 ESV
Love one another with
brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.
Going beyond what is the norm is honoring someone. If you want a great marriage, honor your
mate. Highly esteem them. Show honor and value.
Why is it that we are culture without honor? The reason our culture is dishonoring is
because people aren’t GOD. All true
honor comes from a heart that surrendered to the king of kings.
Psalm 22:23 NASB
You who fear the
Lord, praise him! All you descendants of Jacob, glorify him! Stand in
awe of him, all you descendants of Israel!
treat God as ordinary or common. He’s
the big guy up stairs. Jesus is my
home-boy. Dear 8 pound 6 ounce baby
Jesus… Jesus is not a baby in a manger. That
is not the Jesus that I have come to know.
He is the Son of God, the gift from Heaven, God in the flesh, the soon
coming king. He is Lord of Lords and
King of Kings and my prince of peace.
He’s my Savior and source of life.
He is the manager of all and maker of every thing in and out of this
world. He is my God and my friend and
all I need!
God for who He is. We will honor others
when we see who God is and honor is. We
will reclaim honor when we look at God.
It is right and holy.
are valuable because Jesus gave you value.
The only reasonable thing we can do is bring honor and value to God.
Isaiah 29:13 NLT
And so the Lord says, “These people say they are mine.
They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. And
their worship of me is nothing but man-made rules learned by rote.
We will not be a generation that only
brings God lips service. When we realize
what God has done and how he has honored us, we will honor Him. That is when we will remember the forgotten virtue
of honor.