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get your taxes done FREE (if you live in Martinsville or Henry County, VA)

Dear Community Friends!!!

It is TAX time once again.  That statement might make you get a little stressed out.  Well, there are some folks in our community that want to help tax the stress out of this for you and your family.  Please take a look at the picture and information below.  I also want to encourage you as you possibly get your tax return to remember to tithe to your church and to use your resources as God leads you to do.  This is one tangible way that we "demonstrate the love of God to our community".  Read below, and I look forward to seeing you Sunday at we celebrate Jesus and have lots of us with our new "back in the day" series and 60's Sunday!

With GOD as my guide,

Pastor Michael Harrison

United Way is pleased to announce that we are offering the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program again this year. I am forwarding you all a copy of our Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program flyer and an Envelope Stuffer to post and distribute to your employees, clients and community partners. Each year the United Way of Henry County and Martinsville provides FREE Tax Preparation services to individuals and families with an AGI of $53,000 or less.

Last year the VITA program assisted in the preparation of over 1,800 tax returns; as a result local residents saved $370,000 in tax preparation fees and $2,132,000 in federal and state refunds were returned to Martinsville and the surrounding areas. The VITA team will prepare and e-file taxes for free if you have earned $53,000 or less in 2014. The walk-in site, located at 4 Liberty St. Martinsville, Va, will be open between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., Tuesday-Thursday and 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Friday-Saturday or by appointment at other site locations starting January 30, 2015 and ending April 15, 2015. For a complete list of site locations and hours of operation, visit the website at

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) is a program United Way offers where professionally trained volunteers complete at least 30 hours through the IRS and pass basic and advanced level Internal Revenue Service tests to help the people in the community prepare taxes. The program expects to see an increase in the number of VITA prepared tax returns this year, which will increase community financial stability as well as benefit the local economy.

If you would like to request specific printed flyers, postcards or promotional materials, please email or call Joanie Davis at 276-403-5964. I am happy to print as many postcards as flyers you might need and deliver them to you.

I hope you will encourage people to take part of this great service. Our volunteers are excited to help!

Thank you,

Joanie Davis
Community Initiatives Director
United Way of Henry County and Martinsville

*** for more information about The Community Fellowship or Dream Center call 276-647-8231 or email  To give online click on this link ***


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