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church this Sunday

We plan to return.  This Sunday is the plan.  The reason has nothing to do with politics or with making people happy.  The reason is because God has called us to be the church.

The church is not where or how we meet.  The church is the people whom our God inhabits and loves and leads and uses to impact others.  We are the church when we leave the building and serve others.  We are the church when we are driving or sitting in nature or at home with the family.  

Yet the thing we have not been able to do for the last two months has consumed our thinking and our desires.  It is time to return to an in-person service.  Please pray for us, The Community Fellowship, and for all churches seeking to make the hard decisions in front of us.

Hebrews 10:25  NASB
not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.

We have been meeting.  We met in the parking lot.  We met online.  We met over the phone and in text messages.  We met in emails and through blog posts.  We met in video Bible studies and even in Zoom meetings.  We met in our prayers.  And we will continue meeting.

I am excited about this Sunday, but I am also hesitant because there are more cases of the coronavirus.  This is a difficult situation.  We need to pray.  We need to take every precaution possible to not pass the virus or get the virus.

It is time to go back in the building.  We will wear masks.  We will clean and sanitize the building before and after.  We will practice social distancing and more.

But more than that, we will lift up the most important.  Jesus.

It is all about Him.  Our salvation was bought and paid for by Jesus.  The praise and the glory all belong to God and His son.  Won’t you join us?

Yes, join us for church this Sunday at 10:10am.  Join us in-person or online.

But step up.  Look up with us.  Sing up and share with others.  Join us in making Jesus known.  It is all about Him.  I am excited about being back with the church family that I dearly love and am honored to serve.  It is a blessing to serve our great God.  Whether we are in the building or out in the community, it remains all about Him.  Lift up Jesus.  Don’t stop.

Wear a mask.  Pray everywhere.  Let others know that we will continue to make much of the one who gave so much for us.

John 12:32  NASB
And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.”

And so we return this Sunday, and I am excited.  We will make much of Jesus as we have in the past and will continue in the future!


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