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listen to God

There is a great problem when we stop listening.  Some people really can’t hear.  Something with their health and body keeps them from being able to hear all together or certain types of sounds.

My wife might tell you that I have something called “selective hearing” where I hear only what I want to hear.  Now, that is a problem.  I ought to be listening all the time, but we often teach ourselves what to listen to and what not to listen to.

Then, step in the direction of God.  If we are honest, many of us have at one time or another cut off listening to God.  He speaks all the time and for our good.  Yet in the middle of sin or stress and struggle we do our own thing.  We don’t listen or maybe forget to listen.

Listen us.  God really is always listening.  Hearing what God says will change us and our situations.  Listen in as we can trust what God says.  His motives are always pure.  His reason is always going to be great meaning and growth for us and those around us.

What might help us start to listen?  How do we listen?  We must listen.

Acts 3:22  NLT
Moses said, ‘The Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from among your own people. Listen carefully to everything he tells you.’

Mark 12:29  NLT
Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord.

Jeremiah 34:4  NLT
“‘But listen to this promise from the Lord, O Zedekiah, king of Judah. This is what the Lord says: You will not be killed in war

Proverbs 16:20  NLT
Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the Lord will be joyful.

Psalm 85:8  NLT
I listen carefully to what God the Lord is saying, for he speaks peace to his faithful people. But let them not return to their foolish ways.

It is our choice to listen or not.  God is always speaking.  And what He is saying if for our good and His glory!

I’m praying for:
Pray for the family of Michael Pennington III as they struggle with his death  Pray for Gil Lancaster as he heals from a kidney transplant.  Pray for those battling the coronavirus and for health care workers.  Pray for those battling cancer: a friend’s mom, Howard Hodges, Jon Morris, Julie Metz, Meredith Spencer, and Jennifer Tatum.  Also pray for Ellie McMillian, Stephanie Penn, Anita Sparks, Anita Martin, Kathy and Danny Wilson, and Kyle Ogle.  Pray for Larry Biddle’s mother in law as she recovers from heart surgery.  Pray for Wynema Culvin’s brother.  


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