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Ryan, our graduate

Proverbs 7:24  NLT

So listen to me, my sons, and pay attention to my words.

Today is an important day as our last born, youngest child, will cross the platform and receive his high school diploma.  We could not be more proud of this young man and his accomplishments over the last 17 years.

Ryan came along after we moved to Virginia.  He has two older sisters that he watched play and fight, love and excel at so many things.  Learning from them has been sweet.  All three of our kids loved marching band for which we are so grateful for those years, those trips, those late nights and the friendships.

School was a struggle for Ryan in the earlier years.  In middle school it was tough getting him to apply himself.  Seems like I remember my dad sharing a story like that about me.  High school has been a different case.

His grades and his work have been so good.  Learning and being part of school was something that he has done well, at least until the pandemic hit.  This has been a tough 15 months for everyone including our student.  Yet he pushed through even this past week when his mom and I got a text message from Ryan that he had submitted all his work, and graduation is set with him getting the advanced diploma we all wanted.

My favorite thing about this son of mine and school is this… when we all were in the vehicle together, he and his sisters, we would pray together before we would arrive at the school each morning.  I loved those moments of holding hands and asking God for this day to be a blessing and protected.  You know our family devotions have been important as well.

After Rebecca and Ruth graduated it was just me and Ryan in the truck each day heading off to school.  I cherish those moments praying together and watching him press on in life.  It really was hard when he started driving, and we didn’t have that morning prayer together.  I love this kid, and I pray for him, as I do his sisters, every day.

I remember the day I got to baptize Ryan.  Oh, that was good.  All those conversations about life and the future and faith, they will pay off.  We haven’t always agreed.  He is a great kid.  There have been our tough moments, but I am honestly so excited for what the future holds for Ryan Michael Harrison.

Don’t give up, parents and grand parents.  God has a plan.  Help these kids entrusted to you see life and experience it all.  Trust God.  That is what we continue to do for all three of our children.  We are so very blessed.  That is why we cherish this verse …

Proverbs 22:6  NASB

Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he grows older he will not abandon it.

I will close with one more thought.  Early this week I texted Julie one morning that “it hit me.  He will graduate this week”.  I am kind of slow.  But I live in reality at this point and will expect some awesome things, God’s protection and leading, some tears and lots of laughs, phone calls and texts about so many things, experiencing life and love and more all because of the gift of children.

Ryan, I love you.  I am proud of you.  You are prayed for every single day.  My expectation for you is to come closer to God, to be an excellent human, to love much and to serve others as you use your gifts and abilities throughout the days ahead.  Yet the most important thing I can say is that you belong to God.  He has a plan for you, and I will trust God with you and know you will do the same!

Psalm 127:4  NASB

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth.


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