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time to celebrate

Romans 12:15  NLT

Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep. 

Today’s devotion is more personal than usual, but I think it is important for me to share my journey with you.  This is isn’t asking for your help or pity.  Simply, this is overflow.  Thanks for reading.  Thank you for praying.

The last week has been one of those emotional roller coasters.  You’ve been on them.  You know, I remember one of the first coasters I was on and how the immediate response my stomach had after it wasn’t much fun.  Know what I mean.

Last week was wrapped in the death of Julie’s dad, Ellis Howell, after eight months of being in hospice care after covid and pneumonia and a tough battle with dementia.  It was a great time with family.  His funeral was a beautiful home going.  But honestly it was and is bitter sweet.  Pa will be missed, and I will continue to pray for my mother in law, Sandra, my wife and her siblings.  It is such an honor to be part of this family.

One of the best things about last week was the fact that our children were able to be with us.  Ruth flew in from Pennsylvania and is 30 some weeks pregnant.  Ryan took his longest road trip as a teen and joined us 400 miles and 7 hours from home.  Then Rebecca flew all the way from Hawaii to be with us, and as she landed in Savanah, Georgia last week I realized she was 4,700 miles from where she lives.  Having them close by meant much to me and Julie.

This week our son in law, Colman Miller and Rebecca’s husband, took command of about 100 soldiers where he serves in the US Army in Hawaii.  They are doing so well and make us super proud!

Psalm 127:3  NLT

Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.

Throughout the last several days my humanity has continued to be a reality.  Still healthy and enjoying the weigh loss and being healthier than ever, yet I have to be honest.  It is not over.  More weight to loose, not a lot, but some.  My spiritual journey is one I love and enjoy, but have you realized how easy it is to let it slip?  I am grateful for my coach that encourages me, a accountability partner that keeps asking questions and most of all the Scripture that continues to speak to my heart.

Last night we got a text from friends who had a grand baby born.  All are well, and it is so exciting!

Then some more joy comes.

Yesterday was our Ruth’s 23rd birthday.  This young lady, our middle daughter, makes me smile so much.  She is the one that always says “I love you more!”  I love that she and her husband Sean.

Tomorrow we will get to host a baby shower for Ruth and Sean.  Our first grandchild she is carrying will arrive in the weeks ahead; she is due in early November.

This are exciting times.  But we live in reality.  I hear the tears of those I love, and understandably so.  I see the smiles around me that are so very real, too.  I pray for so many in battles and struggling. 

But then there He is.  God is working and is so very kind.  I am grateful that there is so much to celebrate.

Take some time to celebrate where you are, what is going on and how God is working.  You are important.  You are valuable.  God loves you and has a plan for your life.

Take some time to celebrate today!


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