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notes from Refuel day 1

I am at the REFUEL conference in Lynchburg, Virginia for a few days.  So I thought I would share some of my notes from today’s meetings.  This is some good stuff.  Trust you will find some encouraging to you…

Dave Early. Leading the discipling church. 

Do we really believe God is able and bigger and has a future plan?  If so, our prayer lives would be different. 

Pattern your life around what is going to last forever. Don’t get trapped in doing the stuff that doesn’t matter. 

Measure the results of the message months later. Are they following and applying it. 

The key to great ministry is cooperating with the Spirit of God.

Robert Coleman quote. Test of preaching is what men do about it.

Matt Wilmington.

There is a danger because you recruit bad teams when you don’t know who you are. Know your shape. 

Emerson Quote. The Character of the leader determines the character of the organization. 

Study how God recruited people.

Ajai Pillai 

We are products of the people who discipled us. 

Thought about how our faith moves through generations of families…

First generation. Believes

Second generation. Assumes

Third generation. Forgets 

Fourth generation. Denies 

It’s easier to preach 100 messages than to live 1. 

One of the first indicators of loving Jesus is to feed his sheep. 

To stop the fruit you have to go to the root. 

Goal as men must be for men leaders to not build a program but to build disciples. 

Every man needs a Paul, a Barnabas and a Timothy. One who speaks truth. One who is an encourager. One who you are mentoring. They all come through prayer. 

It’s the Gospel that causes us to pay it forward. 

Get men to be thinking about being a giver rather than a receiver. 

Jonathan Falwell 

We are in challenge today in Our culture. They don’t want to hear John 14:6 that Jesus is the only way. 

Quit following people and start following Christ. 

God will always give you the answer at the right time

Satan will not come after you if you are not doing anything for God. Preach the Gospel. 

The victory is not found in the fight, it is found in the praising. 

2 Chronicles 20:21 NLT 

“After consulting the people, the king appointed singers to walk ahead of the army, singing to the Lord and praising him for his holy splendor. This is what they sang: “Give thanks to the Lord; his faithful love endures forever!””

Recognizing how great our God is helps us know Him and trust Him. 

God gave them the victory before any of the battle had begun (see 2 Chronicles 20). 

2 Chronicles 20:30 NLT 

“So Jehoshaphat’s kingdom was at peace, for his God had given him rest on every side.”

The attacks still come. Our rest doesn’t come from our ability to figure it out. Rest comes from knowing God has us and fights the battle. 

Don’t give up. Don’t throw away your calling. 

Do not quit. He is still the only hope of the world. He’s already won the battle. 


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