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refuel notes day 2

It was awesome to spend time at the Refuel conference this week.  I shared Tuesday the notes from the first day of the conference.  Today I am sharing notes from the second day.  This isn’t all of the notes but just some that stick out.

Listen in.  Learn some of what I did.  May God give give us insight and draw us closer to Him.

Dave Stone 

A pulley system helps you lift more than you can alone.  Just like healthy habits help lighten your load and help you increase your ability and influence.  

Four habits of healthy leaders

Habit 1. Exceptional leaders continually model humility 

Trouble comes when we rely on our own strength.  Wrestling with fear instead of faith. 

If the Holy Spirit pulled himself out of your life, would you even relive that she is gone? 

If you model humility and partner with God living with a servant heart, it will bear weight like a pulley. 

Power with pride is as potent as poison. It will kill your church. It will strangle you. 

Habit 2. Exceptional leaders learn how to handle criticism. 

How do you interact with the people critical of you?  Do I absorb that or let it go?

Habit 3. Exceptional leaders relentlessly pursue integrity. 

You have the opportunity to influence people. Let integrity guide you. 

Words don’t write a legacy. Actions do. The only way is to rely on the Holy Spirit. Regularly feast on the word of God.

The leader who advance in the future is the one who retreats to Gods word. 

Habit 4.  Exceptional leaders realize the value of others. 

We are better together than alone. We flourish when we are connected to others. We fall when we are alone. We are created to live in unity.  We are created to live in community with others. And God is a community in and of himself.

Isolation kills. Satan wants to isolate people. 

Andy Stanley. People drift away from their community of faith before they drift from their faith. 

Lifting the weight of leadership can be exhausting. But your load will be lightened when you let the Lord and other people in. 

Jimmy Scroggins 

Jesus was always pulling people in and lifting them up. 

From my children I get more of what I honor. The church is the same. What we honor and model we will get more of. 

Nostalgia will kill your joy. Comparison will kill your joy. Take joy with what is in front of us right now. 

Reflecting on Failure will paralyze you. No matter who you are Jesus was still here for you. Guilt and regret paralyze us. 

Stop comparing what we don’t have and start using what you do have. 

Nathan Cline

So, what’s next?

1. Preach Jesus and the word. 

2. Get people to Jesus. 

The front door was not enough. They got him in front of Jesus by opening a hole in the roof of the house. The goal wasn’t to get him in the house. The goal was to get him to Jesus. 

Churches don’t close because they can’t put a new roof on. It is because they didn’t tear the roof off. Make the main thing what it should be. 

3. Focus on faithfulness. 

Methods will change. But stay faithful to the mission. 

Jesus wasn’t honoring their strategy. He honored their faith. Because of their faith he man was blessed. 

Sometimes the work God wants to do a work in us deeper than we know to ask. 

4. Get up. 

God calls us not to focus on the momentum we’ve lost. He calls us to focus on the momentum we have. 

Get up and lead the people to pursue Jesus. 

We have the power of God, the word of God, we have very thing we need to be effective to do what God calls us to do. 

5. Take your mat. 

The mat symbolizes our pain and missed opportunity. God won’t let you forget the pain because it reminds us that God gets all the glory. I’m going to redeem it and use it as part of your story. 

Crawford Lorrits 

You don’t manage your way out of crisis. You lead out of it. 

We have a perverse tendency to idolize hard times.  Stopping talking about it and do what you do. 

2 Timothy 1:3-14

Four realities you bring to identity 

1.  You are loved and valued. 

2.  You have a legacy of faith.  

Don’t let what you are growing through drain your faith and hope. 

Stop talking about people disfunction and make them functional. 

3. You’ve got a gift. 

God will advance you through the gift God has given you. 

4. You have supernatural resources.  

God didn’t give fear to you. He gave you the ability to love. He gave you power through the Holy Spirit inside you. 

5.  You have a calling. 


You are called to two things.  Suffering and the Gospel.

Don’t let the crisis around you push the message down. He’s still the savior. He’s still our message.  God has not called us to be religious commentators. He called us to preach the Gospel. 

Guard the deposit that is in you through the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Preaching is not speech making. It is not structure. It is the word of God opened before the people. That is when the spirit of God is working powerfully in the people. 

That’s where the hope comes. That where the fruit comes from. 

Everything God has given you He will use if you yield to the power and presence of the spirit of God. 

*** there ya go, and I hope some of these will encourage you! 


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