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big wins


Wins might seem different for each and every person.  For an athlete a win is crossing the finish line first or scoring the most points in the important game.  For a parent a win might look like a kid’s first steps or graduation from a particular grade or even their first grand child born.  Wins take on all different shapes and sizes as our lives encounter the journeys we are on.

In relation to my recent trip to Cuba I would like to end this week and sharing about the trip with sharing what I saw as the biggest wins.  There were many, and I will not share all of them.  yet I do want to point you to the places where I saw God work and believe that He will continue to do the same.

Psalm 34:5  NLT

Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.

After walking away from the carousel and retrieving my checked bag at the Havana Airport I walked through the “nothing to declare” check point.  And this was the easiest trip dealing with customs which makes this a huge win, especially if you know some things that happened on previous trips.

I walked out of the airport and immediate saw the faces of two great men.  Alex and Diocelis.  Alex’s smile is infectious, and I declare that as a win.  Just seeing my friend and the leader of the sports ministry in Cuba after 29 months away is a great win.  In fact Alex helped this trip in big ways.

He planned and followed through like the champion and great leader that he is.  In fact while I was there Alex’s wife had an ultrasound that determined he and his wife are going to add another boy to their family.  His smile declared the win.  Each time we were together it was evident that Alex is committed to this task and loves the people he gets to serve with.  Alex’s smile for the win!

1 Thessalonians 3:8   NASB

for now we really live, if you stand firm in the Lord.

It was an an honor to speak to several sports teams in various locations around Havana.  Some of these faces I have seen before.  Several of these places I have visited on prior trips.  What I saw was their commitment to seek God and to follow what He says.

I heard stories of people who are staying on the journey with Jesus.  Some of the people I met were disciples.  At one location I was introduced to a young adult man who was discipled for over a decade by one of the sports ministry leaders, and now this young man is leading in ministry.  I met another man who is now a pastor and has accepted Jesus as a teen playing sports and interacting with another leader.  And on it went.  I met those who had been discipled by coaches and leaders.  Helping people stand firm in the Lord is what it is all about.  Standing firm for the win.

1 Thessalonians 5:11  NLT

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.

I have shared some of this in e-devotion early this week and last.  But I cannot walk away from these reports without reminded you that we are not alone.  We cannot do what we are called to do without other people joining in and building each other up.

The leaders of the sports ministry in Cuba are committed to their calling from God and committed to the team of leaders they are part of.  I will cherish forever how I saw them interact with each other.  Praying for each other.  Washing each other’s feet.  Laughing and enjoying each other.  Staying up late, talking and having fun together.  They are doing life tougher even though some of them live hours a part.  Building each other up for the win.

There were many more wins, but these are the ones on my mind as I write this e-devotion and think about my love for Cuba, this ministry and the place God has connected me to them.  I am excited about the future and all God is doing, here in Virginia, in my home and all the way to Cuba.

There is no stopping us now.  May we seek to win by pursuing what God calls us to and by being part of the lives of others.  We truly are not alone, and we have lots of wins ahead of us.  Let’s roll!  Who’s with me?


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