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from earth to heaven, my dad

This week will have a few, sporadic e-devotions.  I do thank you for understanding and giving me some personal time with family.  I hope to share some things with you a few times if possible.

Psalm 116:15  NASB  

Precious in the sight of the Lord Is the death of His godly ones.

As you may know last Wednesday Julie and I boarded a plane to go to Oklahoma to spend time with my dad and my family.  Over the last week my dad had been sick.  This trip was quickly planned as until Monday of that week it seemed my dad was improving.  That was not the case.

I spent most of two days after we arrived with my dad, during the day and night, at what we affectionately refer to as the “pink palace” or St. Francis Hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  Covid and pneumonia as well as problems with his kidneys seemed to be the culprit that was holding on and not letting go.

My dad is a great man and stubborn as well.  For as long as I can remember he has said that he never wanted drastic or heroic measures to prolong his life in the event of sickness.  That is where we found ourselves.  His health was not improving.

Last Thursday we talked through some options and shared with dad after we heard from the doctors thinking that a few adjustments could make a lot of difference.  Again, that was not the case.  His lung x-rays as well as the problems with his kidneys continued to grow worse until Friday morning some choices had to be made.

The decisions my dad wanted to make were clear but not easy for any of us.  A little after noon on Friday hospice care began, he was weaned off of the large amounts of oxygen and pain medicine was increased.  The next three or four hours were tough but surprisingly peaceful.

A few minutes after 5pm central time on July 15th my dad took his last breath on earth and transitioned to heaven.  It was tough to be by his side as this happened.  It was such a blessing to be by his side.  

Through these days he said he was ready for heaven.  He mentioned being ready to see our mom and even give her a kiss.  Often he would tell us how tired he was which was the case.  The steps were set in motion.  Heaven’s gain is our loss.  Yet heaven’s perfect gift is what prepared the path for my dad, and that fact gives me and our family a great deal of peace.

In the coming days I will share some things with you about my dad and how blessed our family has been to have this hero in our lives.  Thank you for your continued prayers.  His memorial service will be on Thursday, July 21st at 2pm and be held at Skelly Drive Baptist Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

There really is more to come!


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