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why back2school?

Why back2school?  Well, thank you for asking.  That is one of the first questions I asked myself 17 or 18 years ago when missionary to the mountain areas of Appalachia Bill Barker spoke to our church.

I was almost mesmerized by his testimony of how some so simple and so easy made such a huge difference in the lives of kids living in places of poverty.  It was one year or so later that our church, The Community Fellowship, began.  That first summer, right before a new school year began, we served students helping them prepare for a school.

It was flat our incredible  The first year we served about 75 students.  The next year we served 500 students.  The next year we went to 1,000 students.  It started with just school supplies.  Then we added backpacks.  Later we added new shoes and socks.  

And the rest is history, as the old saying goes.  Since that humble beginning in 2007 we have served for 16 years and over 32,000 students.  This year’s goal is to serve in 15 locations and about 4,000 students.  Each student will receive a new backpacks filled with school supplies, new shoes and socks as well as have their feet washed by a volunteer.  Some locations will give away clothing.  Some will be doing haircuts.

Again, why back2school?  We are called to demonstrate the love of God to our community, and we do this through acts of random kindness so we win the right to tell people about Jesus.  And back2school is a great tool to tell students and their families about Jesus, to give them hope and to encourage each to be who God made them to be.

Would you join in helping us serve these students?  There many ways to serve and help.  Give and be a sponsor.  Come and volunteer.  Do something because it takes a lot of people and a lot of money to make it happen.

This weekend in our community we are packing the bus with school supplies at our local Walmart.  Come and help.  On Tuesday we will have our last registration event at each location.  Help us get the word our and get kids registered for this great opportunity.  On Tuesday August 2nd we will be packing many of these backpacks at our future campus, and you are invited to come help.  We will serve students on Saturday, August 6th, and we need you to help make this happen!

For more information go to or send an email to letting us know that you want to be part of back2school 2022.

Why back2school?

Mark 10:14  NASB  

But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and said to them, “Allow the children to come to Me; do not forbid them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

There is a place for you in back2school 2022 …


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