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Hey friends.  I enjoy sharing with you what is on my heart.  This summer has been so full.  Full of ups and downs as well as so many wins.  That is why I am going to share just a few favorites.

I have loved the time with family this summer.  Our vacation to be with our oldest daughter was so much fun and full of memories we made.  Most recently the back2school outreach was a hut in many ways.  Children were served and lives touched all for the cause of sharing Jesus.  Those two are my favorites.

There have been some lows, but for today I am skipping forward.  Lets head over to the favorites.  Lean in.  And think about your favorites.

Favorite verses I have come across this summer:

Psalms 30:11-12 MSG 

“You did it: you changed wild lament into whirling dance; You ripped off my black mourning band and decked me with wildflowers. I’m about to burst with song; I can’t keep quiet about you. God, my God, I can’t thank you enough.”

Genesis 31:55 NLT  

Laban got up early the next morning, and he kissed his grandchildren and his daughters and blessed them. Then he left and returned home.

Favorite places I have been this summer:

Maili Pillbox Hike in Waianae, Hawaii.  The verse was amazing.  It was a bit of a touch hike, but my wife, daughter and son, as well as myself, took in the beauty of the ocean, the land and the unending sky.

Swimming in an underground cave near Varadero, Cuba was a great highlight.  I was on a retreat with several leaders of FCA work in Cuba when we heard about visiting this special place.  It was quiet and breath taking.

That hospital room.  There were several things about it that were surreal.  Reminded me of the place where I spent last days with my mom, and now it is the place I enjoyed the last days with my dad.  A hard place but a good one.

Favorite songs that have been playing on my phone this summer:

Yesterday I shared Heaven’s All Around ( songs include See a Victory (Elevation Worship), Graves Into Gardens (Elevation), Just Because (Judah), Somewhere Over the Rainbow (Isreal Kamakawiwo’ole), A Thousand Years (Christina Perri).  There are others, but I will stop there.

Favorite dreams that won’t stop running through my head this summer:

The bright future ahead for our children and our family.  We enjoyed time with our granddaughter Harper several times this summer.  I love seeing her grow and explore.

The finishing of our new campus.  It continues to be slow, but it continues.  I believe we will get through.  Ministry will grow in awesome ways.

Finally, the future of our work.  There are so many days that the fog of self or stress keep us from seeing very far, but I believe that God has shown us some incredible things ahead as well as some people we are blessed to do life with.

Favorite truths about our God that were reinforced this summer:

His power is seen in my weakness.  Weakness can come in lots of different forms.  It might be seen in our lack of resources.  It might be seen in uncontrollable emotions.  His grace and second chances to me and so many others.

That is it.  Just a few of my favorites.  In fact I will call this the last e-devotion of the week as I am going to take some down time.  Enjoy the rest of your week.  I am excited about time with my wife, time out in nature, time running and enjoying the outdoors, and I am excited about this coming Sunday at The Community Fellowship.  

Psalm 1113:3  NLT  

Everything he does reveals his glory and majesty. His righteousness never fails.


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