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Cuba and my heart

I will spend a few days this week and next talking about my trip to Cuba, and specifically today I want to talk about a few things that are heavy on my heart.

1 Thessalonians 3:2  NASB  

and we sent Timothy, our brother and God’s fellow worker in the gospel of Christ, to strengthen and encourage you for the benefit of your faith,

It is a joy to serve with friends in Cuba and with the Madem / FCA sports ministry.  God continues to touch hearts and to draw people in to a close relationship with Him.  I have met some incredible people whose testimonies are strong and growing.  

On this past trip I met two couples who came to faith while playing baseball, accepted Jesus as their Savior and are faithful to the church.  One of those who on the street and addicted to illegal drugs.  Now he is married, living by faith and changed because of his relationship with Jesus.

I met another young lady, a girl almost 13 years old, that was taken in by a local church after her step father murdered her mother when she was three years old.  She is now a leader in the children’s ministry, has a beautiful smile and loves Jesus because some people showed her love and that God gives hope.

I love those stories.  Yet there are so many things that are in need, leaving people to have little hope and even less courage.

Later this month there will be a vote for the people of Cuba to talk about the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman.  Of coarse our country has already dealt with this issue.  That makes us ahead of Cuba in a negative way.  The church and Christian leaders have stood up, and it seems the majority of the people I met there support the ideals of Scripture that God gave us.  Yet the country is pushing something very different.  That hurts my heart.  Pray for the people of Cuba.  Pray for Christians who are standing up for their faith.

On many street corners there were reminders of a very real problem in Cuba and around the world.  We are passionate about feeding people through The Community Fellowship.  The people on those street corners are waiting on delivery of food because there is a nationwide shortage of much needed food.  We have some of the same problem, but ours is much smaller.  In Cuba it seems to be in pandemic portions.  Pray for the people of Cuba and for the meeting of this vital needs.

My heart hurts for Cuba, and this is another reason we continue to go there and to serve.  Our sports leaders continue to share food with those in need, to share the Gospel and to give to others the hope that God has given us.

Cuba is a beautiful country.  The people I have met there are special to me, and I will be back.  Furthermore, the needs are great.  

May God help Christians stand strong on the truth of Scripture and to meet needs each day so they can share their strong faith!


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