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did it make a difference?


A few weeks ago we celebrated Easter.  The tomb is empty and the cross was real.  Did it make a difference?

My sweet wife had a medical test last week, and it turned out well.  Did it make a difference?

A friend sent a gift to be used on my upcoming trip to Cuba and the leadership retreat that I will lead.  Did it make a difference?

I was recently reading late one evening, and I noticed that our TV was showing pictures we had saved.  There was a picture I took of my parents before they passed away.  Did it make a difference?

In a conversation with a ministry friend a verse came to mind.  We talked about it in detail.  Did it make a difference?

After a busy and good weekend at the speedway I was home Monday afternoon when Julie got home from work.  She gave me a big and long hug.  Did it make a difference?

During that busy weekend I got a text from a friend out west.  He said he was praying for our team serving at the speedway.  Did it make a difference?

Social media has its good and bad.  I got a notification from the one where I record my runs.  It was an encouraging comment from a friend about a recent run.  Did it make a difference?

I am sure you have some of those moments like I do.  Maybe a little confused or even a little down.  It was then I got a word or nudge inside me.  Had to be from God.  Simply the phrases, “you are loved, and I care about you.”  Did it make a difference?

Did it make a difference?  Did all those things make a difference in your life?

You see, I believe that God is for us, always thinking about us and His best for us.  There are things going on all around our lives that are pointing us in the direction of God with opportunities for those things to make a difference in our lives and for us to make a difference in others.

John 10:27  NLT  

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

Romans 8:31  NLT  

What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?

Choose to be different because of how God works around you.  Choose to make a difference in the lives of the people around you.

Have a great weekend.


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