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Firsts.  This summer has brought several of these, and I want to tell you about a few of them.  I am pretty excited about each one, but I am especially excited about the last one.

As I have shared with you a couple weeks ago we had the opportunity to see an active volcano while we were visiting Hawaii.  It was awesome.  It was once in a lifetime.  There were so many things that went through my mind those days.  It was an incredible event for Julie, our daughter Rebecca and myself.

Watching the volcano during the day was one thing.  You could see steam.  You could see limited lava flow and some lava.  Night was so much different, and it was breath taking.  The light from the lava flow.  Both shooting in the air and flowing.  The crater lit up.  It was awesome 

1 Chronicles 16:24  NLT  

Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.

I will only share one more thing with you.

Yesterday one of the most incredible things happen.  It was the birth of our first grand son.  Yes we have a grand daughter who has stolen our hearts, but now she has a little brother that is going to make our family so happy.  Can’t wait to experience another little one.

The joy that a family holds and celebration it has brings life and much more.  Many things come our way that make life difficult.  Yet one small piece of time or blessing can change everything.  It changes our mindset.  It changes our future.  It could even change the hope we live in as well as the hope we share.

Psalm 139:13  NLT  

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.

That is enough.  Just lots of joy here.  I hope I can share a little with that you.


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