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news from The Community Fellowship

Hello Community Family and Friends ...

This news from the church is intended to let you know what is going on, what is coming up and to remind you that we still believe that God is good!

Currently our series on Sunday is "There Is More to Come" and we are looking at Revelation 2 and 3 about the seven churches of Revelation that had a message directly from God.  Please join us Sunday as we look at the fourth church, Thyatira.  We will celebrate Jesus in our worship and hear from His word.  Bring a friend and pray expecting to hear from God.

Sunday at 5pm we will also have a funeral / memorial service for Anita Sparks who has been part of our church for many years.  Keep her daughter, Jenny Cassell, and son, Scott Kellar, as well as their families in your prayers.  This service will also take place at our church in Collinsville.

We were so blessed by the work of the mission team at our new campus.  Much was accomplished in the main hall wall and entrance, the sanctuary, the children's entry area and the main bathrooms.  You gotta come see it soon.  The mission team also served families at Northview Garden Apartments.  Pray for the lives of each person that was touched by their work and praise God for the partnership that Michael Boyter, his church White Plains Baptist in Gaffney SC and First Baptist in Clifton SC.

Our ministries continue to impacting many lives each and every week.  The Dream Center Transitional homes now have 11 guests in the program.  Over 100 food boxes were given out this week although food donations and availability is very low at this time.  Also lots of clothing was given out.  Each Saturday night the hot meal served at the Martinsville Hotel sees about 100 meals given out.  There is much for us to do, and you are an important part of demonstrating the love of God to our community and beyond.

Our back2school outreach is gearing up for the greatest year we have ever had. We will have 14 locations serving with a goal of nearly 3,000 students.  Please pray for this outreach and the work that will be done in the coming weeks.  Also please consider sponsoring one or more students at The Community Fellowship.  Our goal is to serve 600 students, and the cost is $22 per student.

There are many around the church who need our prayers.  Reach out.  Pray for one another.  I have been sharing each Sunday about creative a "prayer culture" in our church.  Michael Hendricks shared this when I was gone.  I challenge each of us to seek God and expect Him to move as we read His word and spend time in prayer.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday as we worship together at 10:10am and celebrate Anita Sparks' life at 5pm.  Please let me know how I can pray for you!

With GOD as my guide, 

Pastor Michael Harrison
- - James 1:5

Learn more about The Community Fellowship at our facebook page ( or on our website (  Please stay faithful in your giving at church either in person, mailing your gift (PO Box 388, Collinsville, VA 24078) or giving online (  We are called to "demonstrate the love of God to our community" and beyond.  Be part of making a difference!


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