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Monday mind dump

So many things run through my mind as we close out the weekend and move in to a new week.  A few years ago I would share something called a “mind dump” on Mondays to simply unload all that went on during the weekend.

So I will jump back to the mind dump and share just a little of the overflow from the weekend!  Remember this is not bragging or gloating but to sharing what is on my mind.

Proverbs 20:7  NLT  

The godly walk with integrity; blessed are their children who follow them.

Last week was full.  It had opportunities of all kinds as well as meetings.  But the best part of the week was time with our oldest daughter.  She lives thousands of miles away, and she came to visit her new nephew as well as the rest of the family.  Having adult children is very different from having children at home.

Cherish the moments you have with those you love.  We enjoyed breakfast several mornings.  We enjoyed some afternoon talks and time with her mom and brother.  It was sweet.  Enjoy the time together.

Another of the things from this weekend were what I am going to call “bookends” of sorts.  On Saturday I had the honor of performing a wedding from a great couple.  I have known the groom for over 20 years.  On Sunday I had the honor of sharing at the funeral of a friend’s sister that lost her battle with cancer.  This sister is not much older than me.

The bookends honestly reminds me of how short life is and how precious life is.  We have to enjoy the moments.  Make some memories.  Love and serve others as we have the opportunity to do.  People really do matter, and God loves people more than anything.

James 4:14  NLT  

How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.

As the weekend ends and the new week begins I look back at the last month or two and realize it is also a fog of many miles, lots of work and great times I got to be part of.  Then I look over at my precious wife.  We enjoyed a few moments together on Sunday that further reminded me that we have missed each other because of how busy we have been.

I am going to choose to spend time with her and work on our routine that both of us need.  She needs it more than I do.  We are a team, and we are stronger when both of us are rested, communicating and loving our family together.

Church was good.  Time with some friends and watching some others grow was so good.  Lots of overflow that I am grateful for.

And moving forward what I know is that I have to take care of myself.  Many call that self care.  Good choices are important.  Taking care of the people closest to me and loving each of them is important.

May we be able to see ourselves and others as God sees.  Blessed and ready for what is next.  Trust God through it all

Philippians 1:6  NLT  

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.


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