I am spending this week with ministries that are deeply involved in helping people with physical needs and sharing Christ with them. So in this e-devotion I am going to share some of the highlights I have gleaned so far.
They are in no specific order and not from one specific topic. I am highlighting a day full of meetings as I go through my notes. Check it out… more to come.
— Some questions to ask to help you re-evaluate your purpose: what are we supposed to do? Are we doing the right things? What are the right things? How do we decide what is right?
— Focusing too much on the blessings of the past may keep us from aiming higher in the future.
— God calls His people to do hard things.
— Do our beliefs transform us so much that we serve others?
— To reach people no one is reaching you have to do things no one is doing.
— We rob God when our work and life are out of balance. Both work and living life should be done as an act of worship giving God all the glory.
— When I thought I had to control everything, I abandon my ability to rest and to trust God. I cannot truly worship God if I think I can control either my work or any part of my life.
— The box is never more important than the gift. The box being ministry. The gift being Jesus.
— Ministry leaders set the tone for the ministry and it’s people sharing the Gospel.
— Your presence may be the answer to someone’s prayer.
— Prayer opens my spiritual eyes to the people around me.
— We rarely see people come to Jesus when we aren’t spending time with lost people and aren’t telling them about Jesus.
— Compassion ministry is a ministry of presence. Just show up. Enter their story. Walk with people.
Psalm 34:8 NLT
Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!