Seek the Lord while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near.
What are you
seeking? What are you chasing
after? Some people cannot even answer
those questions. Others simply choose
not to answer it. But those who want to
live with purpose and not waste their days will answer this.
As a believer and
follower of Christ I desire to have a life that counts, a life that makes a
difference and invest my possessions and life in things that really do
matter. That is what our “chase the
lion” series is really all about. Our
church is also in a push and challenge called the #90DayGiving Challenge where
we have asked family and friends to begin giving or give beyond what they have
been doing. Being part of the church and
this challenge will help discern what we are chasing.
Be honest about your
pursuit and about what you are chasing.
Ecclesiastes 1:14 NLT
I observed everything going on under the sun,
and really, it is all meaningless—like chasing the wind.
Lots of what we go
after is meaningless. Read
Ecclesiastes. The wisest man who ever
lived, King David’s son Solomon who also became king, said it is all
worthless. Unless life is pointed toward
the maker and keeper of life it will remain empty.
Why do I walk this
road and share it with you? Thanks for
asking. Not only do I want my life to
count, but I believe you want your life to count as well.
To count I will speak
up for those who cannot speak for themselves.
To invest in what lasts I will use my time and resources to serve those
who are hurting or who have a need. I
will use my capacity to dream to give others a reason to dream.
What do you
think? Ready to “chase the lion” with
Matthew 6:33
Seek the
Kingdom of God above all else, and live
righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Join me Sunday at
church or watch the message on Facebook live.
Go get Mark Batterson’s book Chase
the Lion and figure out how you will reach higher and seek God!