Ephesians 6:18
Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.
I believe that is one of the things that God calls us to do. It is not a monthly or occasional thing. It is a daily and many times through the day thing. Would you agree?
I remember hearing story after story from people who encountered God in significant ways. All shared how prayer was part of their days. This was true of Jesus who moved away throughout the day as the Bible reminds of so that He could spend time with the Father. President Abraham Lincoln said that on days he had so much to do that he had to first spend time in prayer. One of the first biographies I read was of George Muller. He shared how when the children in his orphanage has great needs that he and his staff would go to God, and their prayers were often answers in miraculous ways.
There are many more testimonies as those. You might even have a story to share about how God put in you His best and used prayer as the connection.
That is why today I remind us to do one specific thing. Pray. Stop and pray. Spend time in prayer whether is it a few moments or a significant portion of time. God desires time with us and to hear from us.
Prayer is a natural conversation. Prayer includes speaking and listening. Prayer includes being quiet and still. Prayer is essential to the life of the follower of Jesus. Won’t you join me in prayer?
Here are just a few things on my mind and in my prayers today:
HURRICANE LAURA and all who are in her path. The people of Texas and Louisiana and beyond. Pray for protection, lessening the storm and provision for all involved.
CORONAVIRUS and all touched by it. Pray for those who are sick, their families and those who serve each. I am hearing of more cases and some close to us and our community. Breaks my heart. This stuff is real.
MY FAMILY. Nothing specific to share, but they are on my mind all the time as they should be. I pray by name and specifically.
MY BROTHER’S CROSSING. This is the movie based on JT and Terri Lee Clark’s book “In the Blink of An Eye”. The movie comes out on September 3rd and shares the story of forgiveness and faith surrounding the death of Bobby and Pam Clark. Pray for the impact of the movie and that it will show in many more place. Check out the facebook page for more details https://www.facebook.com/mybrotherscrossing/
THE CHURCH. This season has changed so many things, but I continue to love our church family. I pray that God protect, that He save more people and that we see God do things that will help others encounter Him.
There are so many more things, but I simply ask that you join me. Pray. Spend some time in prayer!
Philippians 4:6 NLT
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.