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Showing posts from July, 2006

How Would JESUS Respond? :: Wednesday E-Devotion

E-Devotion from Wednesday, July 19, 2006 ... posted late "A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1 (NASB) A wise person taught me a lesson recently as I heard him speak about conflict. He said, " you cannot argue with a whisper." Therefore, keep your voice at a level and tone of conversation so fusing won't begin. That makes sense. In fact, I believe the Lord is calling us as His kids to be people who are consistent with the way we deal with others. But we all makes mistakes. It may be in fighting with someone at school or with our spouse or yelling at the kids. No matter the case, God teaches us to be careful in every situation we find ourselves. Take this test. "With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the likeness of God; from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be this way." James 3:9-10 (NAS...

Lessons I've Learned :: Monday E-Devotion

Newsflash: some people will inspire you or some will drive you crazy! What I have learned through now more than 15 years of ministry is to surround myself with people who inspire me, to read from people who encourage and inspire me and be mentored by and follow people who inspire my socks off. The world of blogging makes it that much easier. Most Mondays, and other times, I take a few minutes to read the thoughts of pastors and church planters that are seeing God do some awesome things. This morning was a home run, and I want to share with you one such blog that may give you some insight into my heart and vision and dreams and desire. You get the point. "Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life." Galatians 6:5 (MSG) Before I give you that thought I want to tell you what I am thinking about. God created each of us to be unique and ourselves. He has given us skills, talents and more to do stuff for Him. We have got to b...

Whatever It Takes :: Friday E-Devotion

Just returned from our mission trip to Madisonville, Tennessee and Island Creek Baptist Church as they are completing a building to expand their ministry especially to children and teens. Their pastor, a gentle giant by the name of Mike Williams, explained to me that they average about 150 on Sunday mornings, 100 people on Sunday nights and almost 200 on Wednesdays and sometimes more. I was amazed as those numbers are not the average for a church. He said they are doing whatever it takes to minister to children in their community, and in my opinion, are doing a great job in doing it. In the last 3 and a half years around 200 people have been saved through their ministries. That is awesome. "To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak; I have become all things to all men, so that I may by all means save some." 1 Corinthians 9:22 (NASB) Upon sitting down at the computer last night, I read some of the blogs that I often run to for inspiration, reflection and just to see...

Honoring those who matter :: Friday E-Devotion

Many times we miss some special people around us. In this last devotion of the week, I ask you to join me in honoring some older folks who mean so much to us. Who are they? They are a varied group of people who love the Lord, love their church and serve others with all their hearts. I wish to honor them today and more often: Many from The Orchard who give their all. People who have left us to be in heaven like my grand parents, Mabry Housely, Betty Stone and Jerry Masterson. Friends from the past as in Myrtice Horton, Laddie Ondracheck and so many more. I have to include my parents and my wife's parents. The forgotten heros who don't always get a pat on the back or are remembered at special times are our Senior Saints who have "been there and done that" and have come through with flying colors. They have fought the battles and learned the lessons. They have much to teach us! We have much to listen to and learn from. "and those members of the body which we deem le...

Gettin' Perspective :: Thursday E-Devotion

Up here in the Virginia foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains we often run into a little fog.   It can be thin and spotty or thick and present for miles.   I remember several times while traveling through the mountains running in and out of very heavy fog. Life can be a lot like that drive and be pretty confusion, and that is why the rest stops, overlooks and stores are along the trip are important.   They help us get perspective about where we are, where we are going and why we are on the trip. If we allow the fog to determine our journey, we might just turn around and go home.   If we allow the confusion of life or the thoughts of others to mess with our Christian walk, we may miss the very best God has for us. Let me share with you the verses I read this morning as I was gettin' perspective: "You call out to God for help and he helpsā€” he's a good Father that way.   But don't forget, he's also a responsible Father, and won't let you get ...

Crisis in the Holy Land :: Tuesday E-Devotion

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem .   May all who love this city prosper."     Psalms 122:6 (NLT) This is surely a time of Crisis for the Middle East , Israel and the world.   The area known as the Holy Land is in crisis.   What place do we, Christians around the world, have in times like this?   Some go overboard answering this question while others write it off as not important at all. Americans as a whole will say little until gas prices soar to all time highs.   Literally, "out of sight, out of mind."   It ought to not be that way.   What must we do? Pray The International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention is asking you and I to step up our prayers for this area of the world.   We still have workers and friends throughout that region who need divine protection and to know God's presence.   Pray when God brings this to mind and after every news report you hear. "I urge you...

Refreshed :: Monday E-Devotion

"Open my eyes, so that I may see the wonderful truths in your Word."   Psalm 119:18 (TEV) Thank you for allowing me to be away last week.   You missed a week of devotions, I am sure you realized.   My family spent time together at the beach and found some great refreshment. Along the way, God showed up in a big way for me.   It was not only powerful words for me personally.   It was also a time to revisit some of what the Lord has called me to be ... holy as an individual and intentional as a leader.   Thinking those thoughts I have to give all the praise to God.   He is awesome.   He meets us.   He lifts us.   But wait, that doesn't just happen.   We often have to get still and get in His presence.   No, you don't have to go to a special church or a special location to be in His presence.   You will find Him anywhere you allow that to happen.   For me, last week was an intensely spiritual and encourag...

Divide or Multiply :: Thursday E-Devotion

You make the call.   It is not about math.   This has everything to do with how we live life and what makes our motors run or work over time. "Now I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment."     1 Corinthians 1:10 (NASB) Jesus was a person who would Multiply.   Yes, some people were turned off by Him and some ran from Him.   Yet countless of thousands, millions, have chosen to follow Him through the years since His death.   Along the way people have done and continue to do all they can help others see Jesus.   Jesus left us the strategy to see the world turned up side down. How is that?   Jesus took 12 men, unsuspecting and not the cream of the crop, and taught them what it is to live upside down.   He taught them how to live outside of yourself and for the gain o...

Whatever it takes :: Wednesday E-Devotion

Are we getting it out?   I mean the message.   Are people hearing the truth of God apart from having to search for the message or work their way through a maze to get it? Far too often the church puts up barriers to people hearing the message.   Sometimes the barriers consist of tradition, yet it can also consist of confusion, mis-trust, and countless other items.   Point being this: we have to do 'what ever it takes' to get people to hear. Put it on billboards.   Record it on loud music CD's to give away.   Do a concert on the dock in downtown big city.   Write it in the sky.   Just do something.   How willing is your church and mine to get His message heard? I like this version of the verse about how much we are to love God ... " so love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy."     Mark 12:30 (MSG) Out commitment must be ... "So don't be embarrassed to speak up...

Some Personal Words :: Monday E-Devotion

"Oh, what a wonderful God we have!   How great are his riches and wisdom and knowledge!   How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his methods!"    Romans 11:33 (NLT) In the coming hours and day, we celebrate the Birthday of the nation we are blessed to live in.   I shared with The Orchard family Sunday the truth of our America coming from men and women who believed God would do what He said, that He is worthy of our worship and that He has a desire for people to follow Him.   It is high time that we, the church and all who belong, to share our pride as a nation by bowing to our God in thanks giving, sincere intercession and in simple praise. No, not everything in America is right, but our God is here as well as willing to touch lives, heal homes and encourage us every second of every day.   We have God to thank for this nation.   We have a responsibility to see that God is part of all we do, in the church and ...

Be intentional NOT boring

The good stuff keeps coming at me.   The following is from Tony Morgan of Granger Community Church .   Read with gusto ā€¦ if you know what I mean.   It is TIME for the church to do whatever it takes to be heard shouting out and living out the message.   That means: be intentional.   Help me, Orchard family.   Read onā€¦ 10 Easy Ways to Make Your Church Services More Boring I've been sitting on this one for a couple of weeks thinking I might discover some insights to make it better. Instead, maybe you can help me figure out how to improve the list. One of the most frequent reasons cited for someone not attending church is because the services are boring. I think the only place there should be boring churches is in Boring, Oregon where I've identified, with the help of Google , that there are actually 25 Boring churches. If I was intentionally setting out to create another boring church, though, this is how I might do it. Here are the: 1...