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Showing posts from March, 2013

reminders of good friday

Several years ago a friend bought me a unique ring.   It is like the one in the picture above, and it is a recreation of Martin Lutherā€™s wedding ring.  That is the Martin Luther who nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the church in the 1517. The ring is loaded with symbolism from the Bible.  As I look at the ring I am often reminded of the overwhelming truths that God has blessed us with that flow sweetly from God to His son Jesus and on to us, the people that Jesus gave His life for.  Today is the day known as Good Friday that commemorates the death of Jesus on a cruel Roman cross.  It was a horrible and painful death sentence given to the roughest of criminals, and those who opposed Jesus turned the leaders of that day against Jesus.  He was the only man to live a perfect, sinless life.  He was the only one who could give His life for ours. As I look at Lutherā€™s ring several realities give my faith co...
It is the greatest time of the year for those who follow Jesus.  This Sunday at The Community Fellowship will be talking about LIFE .  We will watch some video clips from the mini series called THE BIBLE as well.  God gave His son, Jesus.  God has given us life.  That would be the promise of eternal life and the reality of abundant life until we get to heaven.  Let's celebrate the life that Jesus has given us this Easter Sunday at 10:10am.   Who are you inviting to join us for Easter Sunday worship ?  Neighbor.  Co-worker or classmate.  Family member.  Friend.  The guy from the store.  Whoever, just ask them.  Easter is the number one time people say YES to an invite to church.  Think about, pray about, go invite people to join us on Sunday at 10:10am.   Want to enjoy some time with your church family?  This Saturday we are invited to a cookout and an egg hunt from one of our friends.  Here is the info:   Eas...

EASTER thought

Can you imagine what it must have been like to be with Jesus during His ministry here on earth?  Those were exciting days.  Everyone from those who opposed him, like the Pharisees, to the disciples, like those closest to him, or even the people who looked on and were curious about Him saw things they could not explain. They saw things and heard things that could not rally be explained in human terms.  In fact dare I saw that many of the verses in the Bible are hard to understand without some faith or reliance upon God? John 11:25 NLT Jesus told her, "I am the resurrection and the life.  Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying." Death is a reality, but that is not the point Jesus was making in that verse.  ā€œEveryone will live, even after dying.ā€  What does that mean? If we are honest, we will admit that life is very hard to understand.  Yet leaning on, trusting in and following God gives r...

this is my story

Today Iā€™d like to share with you a story.  Itā€™s not my story, but one that will encourage you to tell your story. I sat across the table from a local businessman as he shared his story with me.  We first talked a couple years ago when a mutual friend said we had some desires in common to serve hurting people.  Last week another friend connected us for the same reason.  This was a meeting ordained by God. My new friend grew up in a home with his mom and dad who were alcoholics.  There was abuse and pain all through his early years that led to his own drinking and drug use.  He finally ended up in jail.  It wasnā€™t an easy story to hear. God was real to him not because he knew Christians or had gone to church.  When things at home got rough, he would grab his Bible and hide in the closet or under his bed.  This man shared how as a young child even before he could read he found peace in having the word of God in h...

dealing with the people around us

Defining moments happen all throughout our lives.  In my life there are many points that I remember and know made a huge difference in my life.  There was something that happened, there was a person you met or a conversation you had that drew a line in your life.  It might have brought change.  It could even be a memory that wonā€™t leave you alone. Not long after I graduated from high school I moved to Bible college in Dallas, Texas and began to serve at a local church.  I went with some of the church leaders to a pastorā€™s conference where I heard some messages that shaped my life and thinking.  They were powerful messages from some of the most respected preachers of that day (this happened in the fall of 1990).  One preacher talked about relationships, and the message that he shared continues to role through my mind.  It has shaped how I deal with my wife, how I deal with people close to me as well as how I deal with...