Several years ago a friend bought me a unique ring. It is like the one in the picture above, and it is a recreation of Martin Lutherās wedding ring. That is the Martin Luther who nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the church in the 1517. The ring is loaded with symbolism from the Bible. As I look at the ring I am often reminded of the overwhelming truths that God has blessed us with that flow sweetly from God to His son Jesus and on to us, the people that Jesus gave His life for. Today is the day known as Good Friday that commemorates the death of Jesus on a cruel Roman cross. It was a horrible and painful death sentence given to the roughest of criminals, and those who opposed Jesus turned the leaders of that day against Jesus. He was the only man to live a perfect, sinless life. He was the only one who could give His life for ours. As I look at Lutherās ring several realities give my faith co...