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Showing posts from May, 2017

men on a mission DAY 3

1 Timothy 6:18   NLT Tell them   to   use their money   to   do good. They should be rich in good works and generous   to   those in need, always being   ready   to   share   with others. It has literally been an awesome week working with 70 men from several different states and about 15 different churches.   These men are working like well-oiled machines accomplishing various tasks on our new and future campus.   We are blessed. The work the ā€œmen on a missionā€ group is doing totals up to around $100,000 of donation in labor costs.   That is a huge gift to our church and a huge push forward to the completion of buildings for The Community Fellowship and Dream Center. One of the blessings and encouraging things that happens when a mission team is together are the stories and testimonies we hear from those on the team.   Two men from our church and I sat with Dr. Don yesterday for several minutes ...

DAY 2 men on a mission

Hebrews 6:7   NLT When the ground soaks up the falling rain and   be ars a good crop for the farmer, it has Godā€™s   blessing . The first day was good, but it is time for day 2 of the Men On A Mission team work on our new campus.   As always these men work hard and get more done in a work day than we can imagine.   By working together we are so much stronger.   I have known for years that people with skills are important to accomplishing big things, and this group of more than 75 men has displayed that fact.   There is one particular group that I enjoyed watching today. Their leader is a skilled worker.   Seems like he can work with wood or metal or steal or with a rag tag bunch of guys.   He completed a couple projects before mid afternoon and then completed a third.   You could look at the various guys and see they flat worked hard and got it done. We are go grateful that this team has chosen to be a part of our ne...

men on a mission DAY 1

Psalm 100:2   NASB Serve  the Lord with  glad ness; Come before Him with joyful singing. It is the first day of the Men on a Mission teamā€™s work at our new campus.   As we met the 60 plus men who have arrived so far it was awesome to meet guys from every age, several different backgrounds and different colors, too.   I am humbled to know that these men spent their own money, gave up a week of their time, many of them taking a week off work, to come and serve our church family. To share the vision God has given us really is incredible, and each day this week I will get to share even more. If you are close by, come and visit or even come and work. Please pray for the team.   Pray for safety and the work to be completed in good ways.   Watch for pictures on Facebook.   Come worship with us Wednesday at 6:45pm.   Get ready to hear stories of what God is doing!

it's almost time ... 3 days till the work begins

Galatians 6:9   NLT So letā€™s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right   time   we will reap a harvest of   bless ing if we donā€™t give up. It is almost time.   At this time on Monday all the Men On A Mission team will he working hard moving toward the completion of our future campus.   This team is composed of men of all ages, many different backgrounds but all have the same goal. They have come to our town to help us do what God called us to do.   Yes, we are working hard to complete a building, and we are working hard to complete the building so we can pour life in to the people of our community, and beyond. Will you join the team?   You really, really can. First, you can (and we beg you) pray.   Pray for the property, the safety of the team, the finishing of each piece of each part of the work and pray that God gets every bit of the glory while we tell the stories of changed lives and expect even more fro...

they were here 3 years ago

They were here 3 years ago.   And that was awesome.   I remember the preparing of the building for the first time when Men On A Mission arrived in May of 2014.   The spaces were open and ready after removing all the old stuff. By the end of that week there were walls.   Those walls were everywhere.   The childrenā€™s area had rooms.   The gym and bathrooms took shape.   The worship area had life and walls and even more of the stage.   This team took us in 4 days from 0 to 60 in record time. 3 years later we have come a very long way and have filled in lots of the gaps between the times that Men On a Mission was here then and now.   There are some huge pieces that this team is set to accomplish this coming week.   Some of these will make is look different.   Some of these will make it so much stronger. Will you pray for the team?   Pray for safety and great work conditions.   Will you come work with us?  ...